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与 enduring 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then came the climaxing stroke - the accolade, so to speak - which in a single instant transmuted the perishable dross of notoriety into the enduring gold of fame: Punch caricatured me!


Then came the climaxing strike—the accolade, so to speak—which in a single instant transmuted the perishable dross of notoriety into the enduring gold of fame: Punch caricature d me!


Remembered when she to me said bids good-bye, I, the heart in instantaneous coagulated all of a sudden, I did not know how I at that time was, the tear does not stop at heart spinning which does not stop in the eye, I have been enduring.


One of these is 'Self', which is construed as the enduring Self of the Buddha.


Verus, however, after he had come to Syria, lingered amid the debaucheries of Antioch and Daphne and busied himself with gladiatorial bouts and hunting.64 And yet, for waging the Parthian war through his legates, he was acclaimed Imperator,65 while meantime Marcus was at all hours keeping watch over the workings of the state, and, though reluctantly and sorely against his will, but nevertheless with patience, was enduring the debauchery of his brother.


His enduring that in the distant future, if the distant future deigns to consider my insignificance, it shall be appraised rather as a man of letters than a man of action.

& 他说了句久为流传的话:&在遥远的未来,如果未来人们还认为我算个小人物,那时他们会把我评价为一个作家而非一个战士。

Anyone returning this week from exile in a sequestered religious community and thus coming fresh to Blair's comments on the enduring manifestations of hooliganism, thuggery and drug dealingin British society would no doubt have been quite as impressed by his very genuine and deep concern and array of possible solutions to the problem, as so many of us were back in the early 90s, when we first heard him on this theme, deploring the activities of young criminals, and promising social responsibility for all.


Anyone returning this week from exile in a sequestered religious community and thus coming fresh to Blair's comments on the enduring manifestations of "hooliganism, thuggery and drug dealing" in British society would no doubt have been quite as impressed by his very genuine and deep concern and array of possible solutions to the problem, as so many of us were back in the early 90s, when we first heard him on this theme, deploring the activities of young criminals, and promising "social responsibility for all".


There are difficulties and obstacles to overcome, and unnecessary enduring and simply rushing to the point is not always the best way. Consider detour, detouring a difficulty could solve a problem more smoothly than you thought it could.


As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love.


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9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
