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This is also ZIPPO enduring, are still the reason people call Road - need it, it will not be disappointed.


The Notebook is an achingly tender story about the enduring power of love, a story of miracles that will stay with you forever.

艾丽和她爸爸撒娇,说她爱诺亚,她爸爸只是抱着哭泣的她,告诉她:&He is not for you, baby。&

Cordata, Arundo donax, Ophiopogon bodinieri, Tamarix chinensis, Amorpha fruticosa and other water-enduring shrubs planted on the slope of levee, to form the combined effect of ecology and landscape. In this district the channel has been further curved through design, to reduce the current velocity and


The main pollutants that cause pollution to the soil in the process of production include the enduring organic pollutants PCBs, trichlorobenzene , HCB, cadimium and arsenium .


The church at Altea is renowned and presents one of the most enduring and symbolic sights in the Costa Blanca.


The church at Altea is renowned and presents one of the most enduring and symbolic sights in the Costa Blanca.


We've embraced playsuits, shorts in the office, leggings with everything, the boyfriend blazer, the trophy jacket and tricky trousers (skinny, peg, pyjama, high waist and harem), but it's Sienna Miller who lays claim to the most enduring trend of the decade: the boho look.

我们在办公室里穿着运动装,短裤,绑腿的男士上衣,有古希腊奖杯图案的夹克,花式复杂的裤子(纤瘦的,绑腿,宽松裤,高腰,扎脚管宽松长裤)。但是西亚娜·米勒对此情有独钟,他称the boho look将是2010年最为持久的时尚趋势。

Cosmos bipinnatus and Trachymene coerulea exhibited stronger endurance to Pb, however, Pb contamination significantly inhibited Dianthus caryophyllus development, which exhibited the weakest enduring ability.

在Pb浓度为1000 mg kg^(-1)时,铅污染可以刺激波斯菊和翠珠花生长,使其根部和地上部的生物量增加,这两种花卉对铅污染的抗性很强,但铅污染会显著抑制香石竹的生长,香石竹对铅污染的抗性很差。

But what about the prophecy of an enduring Davidic dynasty cf.


For Vonnegut, a humanistic novelist, the subjects of the novel will never be exhausted because he is deeply concerned with the present-day human conditions and so the social injustice, the economic inequality, the devastative exploitation of environment, and the hideous militaristic barbarity become the enduring themes in his novels.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
