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与 enduring 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As a commercial entrepreneur, he suffered setbacks, enduring a difficult relationship with the BBC, which began using Bairds's Televisor in 1929 but had replaced it with the Marconi EMI electronic system by l935, But as an inventor he was revolutionary going on to develop technology that was way ahead of its time, including radar, colour and 3-D W and fibre optics.

作为一名商业的企业家,他饱受挫折,他与英国广播公司维持着一种并不融洽的关系,后者在1929年开始使用贝尔德的电视接收系统,但是到1935年就用无线电报 EMI 电子系统取代了它。尽管如此,作为一个具有革命精神的发明者,他仍然坚持发展领先于时代的科学技术,这其中包括雷达,色彩,3-D 电视和纤维光学。

Blurring the lines between reality and illusion, present and past, Yan Changjiang invites us to zigzag along an ill-defined boundary that hardly separates childhood imagination and adult fantasy, life and death, Eros and Thanatos, using fiction and creativity to explore the infinite possibilities of photography and literature, to achieve an unprecedented, dramatic, playful, and at the same time grave and serious visual experimentation that forms a fundamental and enduring work of photography.


Standing on the steps of the Capitol will be a man whose story reflects the enduring promise of our land.


As a result, despite its enduring importance, the ontological argument has brought few people to theism.


Anyone returning this week from exile in a sequestered religious community and thus coming fresh to Blair's comments on the enduring manifestations of hooliganism, thuggery and drug dealingin British society would no doubt have been quite as impressed by his very genuine and deep concern and array of possible solutions to the problem, as so many of us were back in the early 90s, when we first heard him on this theme, deploring the activities of young criminals, and promising social responsibility for all.


Anyone returning this week from exile in a sequestered religious community and thus coming fresh to Blair's comments on the enduring manifestations of "hooliganism, thuggery and drug dealing" in British society would no doubt have been quite as impressed by his very genuine and deep concern and array of possible solutions to the problem, as so many of us were back in the early 90s, when we first heard him on this theme, deploring the activities of young criminals, and promising "social responsibility for all".


I believe that troth and justice are fundamental to an enduring social order.


Gokturks, the Uyghurs were one of the largest and most enduring Turkic peoples living in Central Asia.


Exclaimed Gerhardt, his excitement growing under the strain he was enduring, and speaking almost unaccented English in consequence.


An enduring disposition; a long-suffering and uncomplaining wife.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
