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与 endogenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recent studies have indicated that neural stem cells distribute in the adult central nervous system generally. Subgranular zone and subventricular zone are the main districts of the endogenous NSC in the adult brain.


In fact, cells with NSCs-like properties are likely to occur throughout the adult CNS, but they are able to give rise to neurons in only a few restricted areas in vivo, i.e., the subventricular zone in the wall of the lateral ventricle and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Very poor regenerative capability of the adult mammalian CNS could be explained as follows: first, theneuronal differentiation of endogenous NSCs may be inhibited by microenvironmental factors present in most areas of the adult CNS.


Neural stem cells exist in numerous regions of the central nevous system and have capacity to differentiate into neurons. Noggin promotes adult neurogenesis of subventricular zone and subgranular zone by blocking endogenous bone morphological protein signaling under physiologic state.

神经干细胞存在于中枢神经系统的广泛区域,且这些细胞具有分化为神经元的潜能。noggin通过拮抗内源性骨形态蛋白(Bone Morphological Protein, BMPs)的作用促进生理状态下成年动物室下区和海马齿状回成体神经元发生。

The opioid receptor agonist at the supraspinal site failed to alter the pelvic nerve activity suggest that supraspinal endogenous opioid system does not act directly on the sacral preganglionic neurons, but indirectly through descending fibers on the interneuron at the level of afferent inputs in the sacral spinal cord.


The current study not only confirmed the up-expression of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor five subtypes in rat spinal cord during morphine dependence appears to be reg□lated by endogenous NGF and GDNF, but also demonstrated that 〓 and 〓 receptor in spinal cord and ml in supraspinal predominantly mediate the morphine withdrawal symptoms.


strength exercise can suscitation the endogenous anti-damage ability, and it is the effect meaure to protect ischemia heart.


The results showed that Tang-an-kang could respond symptomatically, lower blood-sugar, diminish urinary protein, regulate endogenous creatinine clearance rate and lipid metabolism etc. It was suggested that Tang-an-kang had a good action on improvement lipid metabolism, diminishing urinary protein and renal function protection.


The mechanism may be it can interference the thermotaxic center, descend the level of plasma cellular factor TNF - one of the endogenous pyrogens, inhibit the synthesis and release of central febril media PGE〓 and cAMP.


Results Endogenous TIAR was primarily concentrated in the nucleus of SMCC-7721 cells.


Prior research on capital structure by Titman (1988) utilizes structural equation models to find out the determinants of capital structure. In this paper, we use the same methodology and add another endogenous variable – stock return to construct two equations. One regards capital structure and the other one regards stock returns.

Titman (1988)曾利用求解结构方程模式的统计软体–LISREL找寻影响公司资本结构的隐藏因子,本文乃以此篇论文为基础并加以延伸,除了纳入原先的内生变数资本结构外,再加入另一个内生变数–股票报酬率来建立一个双向影响的结构联立方程式,以期研究资本结构与股票报酬率两者是如何交互影响,并是如何由许多因子所共同决定。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
