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与 endogenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the middle of 90's, it has been found that hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is one of the metabolite of aminothiopropionic acid, which might regulate the function of nervous system, especially hippocamp, and might regulation the tension of digestive tube and vascular, which has the similar biological function with NO and CO. Recently, major concern has emerged that H2S might be a novel endogenous agent during the patho-physiological reactions during endotoxic shock. Until now, the role of H2S playing in endotoxic shock is still quite confusing.

九十年代中叶,人们发现在体内半胱氨酸代谢过程中生成小分子气体硫化氢(hydrogen sulfide,H2S),对神经系统特别是海马功能具有调节作用,且可以调节消化道和血管平滑肌张力,其生物学作用类似NO和CO.H2S作为内毒素休克时一系列病理生理反应中的一种新的内源性介质,已开始受到人们的重视。

AIM: To investigate the level of endogenous hyaluronic acid and its effect on collagen synthesis in composite skin.


The hyperalgesic effect induced by intrathecal injection of atosiban might be more profound in rats with ligation than in rats with inflammation. The results revealed that the roles of endogenous and exogenous oxytocin are different in different pain models.


The content of endogenous hormones, including IAA, ABA, GA3 and ZT, and phenol compounds were measured using HPLC, anti that of total sugar and total nitrogen were analyzed by the methods of hyposulphite titration and nitrogen.


In this study,we investigate the efficacy and safety of intraocular use of fluconazole in the treatment of ocular fungal infection. Ten patients with intraocular fungal infections were examined. Among these patients , eight were infected with keratomycosis with intraocular spreading, one had postoperative fungal endophthalmitis after cataract operation with an intraocular lens implant, and another suffered from endogenous fungal endophthalmitis.


In this paper, we studied seasonal variation of endogenous IAA、 GA_3、ZR and ABA content of Leymus chinensis、 Agropyron michno、 Stipa grandis、 Cleistogenes sguarrosa、 Koeleria cristata、 Carex korshinskyi、 Allium bidentatum、 Artemisia frigida, Kochia prostrate and Potentilla acaulis in different restoring succession stages, which were determined by ELISA in the growing season in 2005. At the same time we recorded the phenological development and growing regulation of each kind of plant.


The risk factors of breast carcinoma includes family history (The likelihood of developing breast cancer for a patient, if one of whose mother or sisters does, will increase by 1.5 to 3 times.), age, BMI, hereditary factors (The risk of developing breast cancer for a female whose BRCA1 gene has been mutated reaches 50-85% in her life.), female, contact history of the endogenous and exogenous estrogen, past history of chest being exposed to the radiation, dietary pattern, benign mastopathy and environmental factors.


Methylglyoxal is a toxic endogenous substance known to react with proteins to form advanced glycation endproducts, which accumulated in the body during aging. Hyperglycemic can accelerate the accumulation of AGEs, and it has been link to the development of diabetic complications.


Based on appropriate assumptions, this thesis established an asset pricing model on the condition of endogenous posterior heterogeneous, and then I analyzed the relationship between heterogeneous beliefs and signal, short-sale constraints and asset misvaluation, and finally, carried out an empirical testing of the model's deduction based on appropriate samples from China stock market.


The theoretical innovation is that endogenous uncertaintytheory is first introduced to explain the abnormal volatility of Chinese stock markethence making the analysis of abnormal volatility more reasonable. The econometricalinnovation is that state space model is introduced to improve the classical test modelmaking the econometric test more practical and more convictive.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
