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与 endogenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Hypothalamus is the endogenous center of animal, as well as the stress-reactivity center.


The main contribution of the article is in showing that the nature of product differentiation in product categories is endogenous to the imitative entry decisions of firms.


Aortic NOS/NO and HO/CO system are impaired significantly in atherosclerotic rabbits induced by high cholesterol diet. Decreases of endogenous NO and CO production are associated with atherosclerotic progression. Both L-arginine and heme-L-lysinate inhibit atherosclerotic progression by increasing NO or CO production.


During the isolation of metabolites, we also purified two phase II endogenous metabolites, indoxyl sulfate (IS, 6) and indole-3-acetylglycine (IAA-Gly, 7). from rats' urine.

在分离代谢产物的过程中,我们从大鼠的尿中分离得到2个大鼠内源性Ⅱ相代谢物indoxyl sulfate(IS,6)和indole-3-acetylglycine(IAA-Gly,7)。

At the same time, with institutionalism regarded institutions as endogenous variables, it influenced political and economic outcomes .


Its basic and applied clinical research is directed to drug metabolism and drug action, its aim is to understand endogenous and exogenous factors underlying the large interindividual variability in drug response.


Precocious Shanxi strain ( E.tenella SX010323) was developed via the method founded by Jeffers, and the corresponding endogenous development stages, pathogenicity, reproductive potential, immunogenicity and stability were observed and detected.

运用Jeffers建立的早熟系选育方法对柔嫩艾美耳球虫山西株( E.tenella SX010323)进行早熟选育,并对其内生发育、致病性、繁殖力、免疫原性、稳定性进行观察和检测。

As described above,two important lepidopteron pests,beet armyworm and cotton bollworm were surveyed and confirmed for existence of endogenous piggyBac elements. An intact piggyBac-like element was also obtained from the genome of cotton bollworm, and was thought to be potentially active.


In order to explode and use Lespedeza, the thesis is divided into three main parts: root system growth and development research of Lespedeze bicolor Turcz., effect of cutting frequency on root system and aboveground part biomass and effect of cutting and germinating on endogenous hormone of root system.


However, measuring p27 in the blood at ages 1 and 6 weeks old by ELISA could be used for discriminating the ALV-J-infected flocks from non-infective flocks having endogenous non-tumorigenic avian leucosis. Because the p27 of the former increases but that of the latter decreases during young ages.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
