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与 endogenous 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The influence factors are divided into endogenous and exogenous source according to the process control factors. The endogenous source includes: the level of materials safety, the level of adminicle use safety, the level of environmental hygiene management and the level of processing technology safety management.The exogenous source includes the level of national supervision, the level of consumer food safety consciousness and the level of agricultural product processing development. Every aspect includes various factors.


A large quantity of evidence has showed that higher EO might be one of the pathogenic factors of hypertension. EO also referred to endogenous sodium pump inhibitor, endogenous digitalis-like substance or endogenous digoxin-like factor before, is a recently identified sterone hormone that might be secreted from adrenal cortex.

内源性哇巴因(endogenous ouabain, EO)是新近发现主要由肾上腺皮质所分泌的一种类固醇激素,大量证据表明,体内EO含量升高可能是高血压的发病因素之一。

The preparation and essay of endogenousβ-glucosidase in white rose cut flowers during the culture process were examined, it was deduced that the amount of released geraniol concerned with the endogenousβ-glucosidase activity. That would be the flavor enhancing mechanism.


In our study,two important lepidopteron pests,beet armyworm and cotton bollworm were surveyed for their endogenous piggyBac.As a result,endogenous piggyBac elements were found in these two insects,and one of the piggyBac elements isolated from the genome of cotton bollworm was intact and thought to be potentially active.1 Clonging and sequence analysis of piggyBac from beet armywormUsing PCR technique,with degenerate primers,a DNA fragment of piggyBac-like element was cloned from the genome of beet armyworm,spodoptera exigua hubner.The DNA fragment was 456bp in length,and the deduced amino acid sequence shares 50%- 78% similarity with other piggyBac elements from insects.But one stop code was found in this DNA fragment.

由于转座子很难用常规的RT-PCR和RACE技术进行克隆鉴定,故本研究在兼并引物PCR的基础上,利用inverse PCR和vectorret PCR技术,不仅调查了鳞翅目两种重要的农业害虫甜菜夜蛾和棉铃虫的內源piggyBac存在情况,同时克隆到了內源性的piggyBac转座子,并且从棉铃虫中获得了一个结构完整、具有潜在活性的piggyBac转座子HaPLE1.1甜菜夜蛾piggyBac转座子基因的克隆与序列分析采用PCR技术,利用兼并引物,从甜菜夜蛾基因组中克隆出一个內源性piggyBac类似因子的DNA片段,并命名为SePLE。

These observations, coupled with the fact that GA stimulated germination of dormant Myrica seeds, provide evidence that endogenous ABA decreased dormancy break and that endogenous gibberellins, especially GA4 and/or GA1 are involved in germination.

此外,观察暖温、低温或暖低温层积处理后的种子胚部GAs含量发现,除了胚根已伸长的种子胚中的GA4含量增加外,其他各处理的GA1, GA3, GA7和GA20含量都很低。

The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that we have established for endogenous ouabain is simple, precise, specific and lower cost, which can be used in the clinical and experimental study on endogenous ouabain.


Of endogenous variables with the Root-Mean-Square Percent Error between simulated values and actual values less than 5%, and 81. 8% of endogenous variables with RMSPE less than 10%, which implies that the overall goodness of the model is satisfactory.


Since the number of trips is a non-negative integer, truncated, and of endogenous stratification, this study empirically analyzes its recreational benefits by the On-site Poisson and truncated negative binomial with endogenous stratification of the Travel Cost Method. Besides, this study adopts TNBES to see how the number of trips disperse and takes the consumer surplus to assess benefits. As to visitors' valuation, this research uses the ordered probit to do empirical analysis and then divides all satisfaction factors by the factor analysis and cluster analysis into four factors and two clusters, which then are taken as explanatory variables.

考量旅游次数为非负整数、截断、内生分层等特质,本研究在游憩效益方面,采旅游成本法中的现场波松(On-site Poisson)、截断式内生分层负二项(Truncated Negtive Binomial with Endogenous Stratification, TNBES)模型做实证分析,并於TNBES模型检定旅游次数之扩散情形,效益之评估采消费者剩余为计算标准;在游客评价方面,采次序波比模型做实证分析,并将游客对科博馆各项因素满意度以因素分析、集群分析,区分为四大因素构面与二大集群,纳入游客评价为解释变数,并探讨消费者剩余对游客评价之影响。

The endogenous phytohormones of fissurate growth species-Reaumuria trigyna Maxim, Reaumuria soongorical Maxim and unfissurate growth species-Helianthemum soongoricum Schrenk living in the same place was studied.The contents of IAA, ZR are higher in the fissurate place of Reaumuria trigyna Maxim; The contents of GA3, ZR are higher in the fissurate place in Reaumuria soongorical but the content of endogenous phytohormones are higher in seedling of Helianthemum soongoricum Schrenk ,which illuminates endogenous phytohormones are higher in the actively growing parts and probably adjust the fissurate growth.


To provide basic parameters of evaluating the biological safety of xenotransplantation from pig to human, ear tissues from 31 individuals were randomly collected from a Shazi Ling pig population. PCR and RT-PCR were performed to detect porcine endogenous retrovirus proviral DNA and mRNA respectively. The sensitivity of the PCR was evaluated using a positive control.

为评价从猪到人异种移植的生物安全性提供依据,从湖南沙子岭猪的保种群内随机采集31头个体的耳样组织,应用PCR和RT-PCR技术分别检测这些组织中内源性逆转录病毒(porcine endogenous retrovirus,PERV)的前病毒DNA和mRNA,并对PCR扩增的灵敏性进行评估。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
