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与 emotional 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The framework which accounts for the integration of environment, English teaching theories, emotion and teaching strategies contains four towers -language perception, language understanding processing, emotions, instructional strategies and three levels-response processing, conscious management and meta-management as well as five most related emotional variants-anxiety, irritancy, confidence, excitement and joyfulness.


The combination of French ofchestral virtuosity, Italianate vocal lines and dramatic flare, along with texts drawn from increasing popular literature, established a norm of emotional expression which continues to dominate the operatic stage.


Q: How did you get a grasp of Ivan's emotional life?


Jadedness especially applies to films that demand a strong emotional willingness from the audience.


JB: Here's an example of an emotional study that's based on rigorous science.


Jealousy is the result of thought, it is a response of the emotional content of thought.


While West's contemporary John Steinbeck may have held an equally dour view of the purported American Dream—the belief that anyone could rise in social and economic standing—Steinbeck's writing is peopled with compassionate characters, such as the Joad family in The Grapes of Wrath, who provide emotional hope in a time of economic scarcity.


At the end, when he came out costumed like a fight-hardened matador strolling the ring, it seemed less like his usual jokey posturing than an emotional statement.


In essence, as those of Anu or Anu-slave relations or Reptilian relations enter any human dance, they bring with them electrical and radioactive movement; this movement when applied to magnetic "Sirian" flow associated with all red nations humans leads to dissonance; the dissonance translates into a state of joylessness when applied to the human emotional body.

其实,当那些 Anu 或 Anu 奴隶或爬虫血统的人进入任何人类的舞蹈,他们都带来电性和辐射性的运动。当这种运动接触到和所有红族人相关的磁性"天狼星人"能量流中时,导致了不和谐。当不和谐接触到人类情感体时转译成成一种无欢乐的状态。

The cleansing properties of Juniper also work on the mental, emotional plane as well as the physical.


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So Emotional
So Emotional
The Simple Things (Something Emotional)
Emotional Winter
Emotional Highway
Emotional (Remix)

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
