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与 emitted 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The re-emitted light interacts with fluorescent pigments found on the butterflies' wings to produce the vibrant green-blue color.


Ltd. Qing Hua Hengsen pipeline security guard services rather the book element is the region duty suddenly found the room emitted a lot of company-pound fog.


Qing Hua Hengsen pipeline security guard services, rather the book element is the region duty, suddenly found the room emitted a lot of company-pound fog.


The Randomize Color compound adds a random value to all or just specific channels of the particle color so that each particle is emitted using a range of different colors. See ICE Particle Color.

Randomize Color随机颜色,这个复合节点可以给全部或者部分粒子的颜色添加随机值,使用这样的方式可以使发射出来的粒子在某个颜色范围内随机获得颜色。

Devices intended to emit ionising radiation must be designed and manufactured in such a way as to ensure that, where practicable, the quantity, geometry and quality of radiation emitted can be varied and controlled taking into account the intended use.

11.5 电离辐射释放电离辐射的装置的设计及制造再可行时应基于装置的目的确保释放出辐射的数量。几何性质及质量可以被改变和控制。

After eliminating the isotopic backgrounds using the AMS technique, the isobars can be distinguished with their emitted characteristic X-rays when the projectile ions collide with target.


Typo? The sounds heard were not unlike those emitted by persons with artificial larynxes.


The characteristics of recovery cycles in inferior collicular neurons of leaf-nosed bat and effect of the recovery cycle on the following pulse repetition rate were studied using mimic CF-FM sound stimuli emitted by free flying bat. 93 IC neurons were obtained from IC of five bats with normal hearing.

为探究恒频-调频蝙蝠下丘神经元恢复周期特点及其对声脉冲跟随率的影响,实验采用模拟的大蹄蝠自然状态下的恒频-调频发声信号为声刺激,在5只听力正常的大蹄蝠上记录了下丘神经元的声反应和恢复周期(n = 93)。

You are simulating the part of the process where the protons hit a target rod and cause pions to be emitted, which decay into muons, which then proceed to a storage ring and decay into electrons and neutrinos.

您模仿氢核击中一把目标标尺和导致中介子散发,腐朽入muons ,然后进行对存贮圆环和朽烂入电子和中微子过程的部份。

Under the excitation of 488 nm light beam of argon ion laser source, single suprahelical species could be observed with the aid of a common microscope due to the strong scattered light emitted by the suprahelical species. By capturing the RLS images of the single suprahelical species with a cooled charge coupled device camera, and analyzing the RLS data, herein an RLS imaging method of DNA was proposed based on the linear relationship between the counts of suprahelical species in the detection focus plane and the concentration of DNA in nanograms.

在488nm 氩离子激光光源的激发下,单个超螺旋聚集体的散射光可以通过普通显微镜观察到,用冷却型电荷耦合器对此单个粒子的RLS信号进行成像和分析,发现在聚焦平面上检测到的超螺旋粒子的个数与溶液中纳克级的DNA浓度成正比,基于此建立了一种测定DNA的方法。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
