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与 embryo 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seeds endospermic or non-endospermic, winged or not; germination phanerocotylar or cryptocotylar; embryo usually straight, more rarely curved.


Engraulis japonicus ; egg ; larva ; embryo development ; environmental conditions ; the Northern of East China Sea ; the Southern of Yellow Sea

鳀; 鱼卵;仔稚幼鱼;胚胎发育;环境条件;东海北部;黄海南部

In the homozygotic ZZ embryo, expression of Dmrt-1, anti-M ü ll erian hormone, Sox9 and P450 17 α-hydroxylase play a pivotal role in testicular formation.

在同型配子 ZZ 胚胎中, Dmrt-1 、抗缪勒氏管激素、 Sox9 和 P450 17 α羟化酶的表达对性腺分化并发育为睾丸起到关键的作用。

Embryo with cotyledons much smaller than the hypocotyl; leaves small, often ericoid.

胚具子叶很多小于下胚轴;叶小,通常。 4 Baeckea 岗松属

Seeds with thin, oily albumen, sometimes exalbuminous; embryo large, oily, straight or rarely bent.


Female inflorescences of 1-7 or more flowers subtended individually or collectively by a cupule formed from numerous fused bracts, arranged individually or in small groups along an axis or at base of an androgynous inflorescence or on a separate axis. Female flower: perianth 1-7 or more; pistil 1; ovary inferior, 3-6(-9)-loculed; style and carpels as many as locules; placentation axile; ovules 2 per locule. Fruit a nut. Seed usually solitary by abortion (but may be more than 1 in Castanea , Castanopsis , Fagus , and Formanodendron ), without endosperm; embryo large.

雌花序有1-7朵花或更多花,聚生一壳斗内,壳斗为多数苞片愈合而成,雌花花被1-7或更多;雌蕊1;子房下位,3-6室(-9);花柱、子房室和心皮同数中轴胎座每室2胚株果为一坚果种子通常单生(但是可能在Castanea,Castanopsis,Fagus 和Formanodendron里超过1个),没有胚乳;胚大。

Seed horizontal, lenticular; testa leathery, lustrous; embryo annular; perisperm farinaceous.


Culling stem cells destroys the days-old embryo harboring them, regardless of whether IT was cloned or left over in a fertil IT y clinic.


The development of female flower, megasporegensis and the development of embryo of Fraxinus mandshurica were observed by the paraffin sectioning method.


Therefore, a experimentent with three exposure types (early cleavage exposure, 0hpf; gastrula exposure, 8hpf and 0hpf exposure but stop after 8 hours, 8h stop) were designed to investigate the toxicity and bioaccumulation of bisphenol A in zebrafish embryo in different stages.


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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
