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The thesis will take dead water for example, a representative work of the new poems, and do some new exploration through its teaching emphasis; and to analyze and understand the work through the traditional cultural factors reflected from the work, which embody concretely in the teaching of "three beauty" and the discussion of the pomes' theme in dead water.


All sorts of traditional plays and plays which have been awarded will be shown. Concerts, recitals as well as all varieties of opusculums, playlets, songs and dances which embody the local culture, spirit and feature will be played for the citizens.


On the first place, this chapter analyses thestrategy to get the social support and difference of different socialsupport for the parolees, which embody the subjective desire of theparolees for the social.


Her unique female consciousness runs through the whole literary works. She expresses her malcontent feelings with sharp style of writing in A Room of One's Own (1929), Three Guineas (1938), and Orlando: A Biography (1928) and so on. These works embody her unique female consciousness and advanced feminist ideas. Hence, she is regarded as the important precursor of modern feminist literary criticism, and the founding mother of the contemporary debate.


This paper analyses the English words and phrases that vividly embody the structure of compositions and forms them into a comparatively typical frame structure for writing and by telling about the writing approach of each parts(Introduction, Development,Conclusion) of English compositions, it puts forward a shortcut of teaching college English writing.


Green land of winter cities should embody fully chill feature and stress the influence of winter climate.


Finally, the girl was rescued after Leon, re-return of the original School, and Leon's tree,"best friend" planted in the school environment so quiet growth, not only realize the long-cherished wish of the individual Leon - search a stable home, in fact, also embody the Girl of Leon desire to live on their own emotional sustenance and collectors, this flower Leon "best friend" is also a symbol of Leon Finally conjunction with the Girl into the most good friends, Flower has become the ultimate incarnation of Leon, as well as this law does not allow love to find a reasonable home - Love, it seems, such as tree flower as long once in a girl's heart, and now finally can it return to its own end, and Love the flower tree as if the same person, has been accompanied by once, and now finally can no longer always怀揣in the side but in the careful care of the drop after the peace of mind, to lay down their hearts during the Forever pain, and inner feelings are, therefore, after the baptism of the ominous clouds of life in more and more mature.


According to the author statistics shows that nearly 2000 poems about string instrument of Tang Dynasty in "" The Whole Poetry of Tang Dynasty "", it had reflected all respects of artistic development of string instrument of Tang Dynasty, embody a poet in the Tang Dynasty from describing that kinds of spiritual idea making the poet profound and expresse in the poem of the string instrument in Tang Dynasty, the classical, outstanding poems of the string instrument of Tang Dynasty,the description have worthful historical data value and aesthstic value, it is the rare important wealth on Chinese string instrument art and literature development history, it promote the development of string instrument art after Tang Dynasty, these 2000 poems of string instrument describe the study of Tang Dynasty and give us a lot of artistic value of written historical materials in Tang Dynasty.


Article 22 The agreement on custody of stock assets between an insurance company and its custodian shall embody all articles as provided for in the present Chapter.


Short-running belongs to speedy item of physique of Dominated Speed-Groups,which has such qualities as short-time and high-speed.in this race ,the working muscle groups embody the typical common characters.that is .obvious quick shrinkage .


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Embody The Invisible

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
