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By using cultural analytical method, the article dates from the social roots of his moral idealism and his personal experience concerning it. Furthermore, it elaborates the general and individual characters of the idealism, which embody on Liang Shuming, as well as his concrete way reaching to his ideal country. Therefore, the article makes some new understanding and explanation in the content and meaning of Liangs moral idealism.


You acknowledge that the Products embody trade secrets and proprietary information and materials of Lawspirit and its Licensors .


You acknowledge that the Products embody trade secrets and proprietary information and materials of Lawspirit and its Licensors ("Confidential Information").


You acknowledge that the Products embody trade secrets and proprietary information and materials of Lawspirit and its Licensors ("Confidential Information").


In beginning of colonial independence, these countries are generally with poor education. Thus only a few social élites have the opportunity to participate in politics and the capability of rational decision-making. How they can embody the true meaning of democracy in such situation?


Those four words fully embody the hypocrisy of CCTV's value of what qualifies as news, at the same time exposing all Chinese people's long-accustomed tradition: unawareness when it comes to protecting minors.


Li Zhihai introduced, especially the railways, the Shanghai-Hangzhou and other customer-designed projects for the end of this year to start, originally planned to hang on the year after the long-off post-secondary projects, nine King Jinqu railway to start now to fight for next year, a number of expressway project implementation time to keep it tight embody requirements.


Both marques embody a genuine sporting spirit as well as the distinctive Italian elegance and exclusivity.


From the micropolyphony in Atmospheres to the mechanical rhythm in Poeme Symphonique for 100 metronomes, from the complex crossing rhythmical structure in Etudes for piano, to the practice going beyond the 12 equal-temperament, all of them embody the typical "Ligetian Style".

从大型管弦乐作品《大气》(Atmosphères)中的微复调到为100只节拍器而作的《交响诗》(Pobmè symphonique)中的机械性节奏运动,从系列钢琴练习曲中复杂的交错节奏结构到《小提琴协奏曲》中超越平均律的实践,无一不体现出典型的&利盖蒂风格&。

Disposing the letters and visitings carefully is the responsibility, which the leading departments ought to do, is one of the important marks that embody the tenet of Party and goverment to serve people with the whole hart and intention.


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Embody The Invisible

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
