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与 emanation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But this participation does not result from an emanation, an outflowing from the Divinity into finite beings; it is only a reflection of the ideas, a resemblance, which the reasonable being is in duty bound to perfect, as far as possible, by his own energy.


With Maimonides he upheld the principle of the beginning of the world; his statement, God has no will because He is will, is borrowed from Gabirol; and in addition he teaches the principle of the emanation of the Sefirot.

随著迈蒙尼德他坚持这样的原则开始的世界;他的发言,没有上帝,因为他将是意志,是借自Gabirol ;此外,他教的原则,气的Sefirot 。

The menorah is the emanation of light, the representation of the unchanging and unified divine world. This object inspires the image for the buildings for Congregation Beth El.


Developed in the 9th and 10th centuries under the influence of Gnosticism and Neoplatonism, these posit the creation of the universe by a process of emanation from God.

发达国家在第9和第10个世纪的影响下,灵知和neoplatonism ,这些阳性宇宙的形成是由一个过程的射气来自上帝。

This division of the Sefirot, which goes through the entire Cabala, is found as early as Pire R. Eliezer III., from which the "Bahir" largely borrowed; but here for the first time the doctrine of the emanation of the Sefirot is clearly enunciated.

这个师的sefirot ,它是通过整个cabala ,是早见于pire传译埃利泽三中,从这些" bahir "基本上是借来的,但在这里,为第一次学说的射气的sefirot显然阐述。

The Perfection of the Protanthropos is also sometimes seen as a result of a non material emanation from God, called the Son of God and seen as the prefigurement for the appearance of Jesus, who, even in Conventional Christian literature is often referred to as "The Second Adam".


The figure of the 'self-born' Buddha, Amitabha, is often shown in her headdress, as she, like Avalokitesvara, is considered to be an emanation of Amitabha.


But as mysticism attempted to solve the problems of creation and world government by introducing sundry intermediary personages, creative potentialities such as Mearon, Shekinah, and so on, the more necessary it became to exalt God in order to prevent His reduction to a mere shadow; this exaltation being rendered possible by the introduction of the pantheistic doctrine of emanation, which taught that in reality nothing existed outside of God.

但是,随著神秘试图解决这一问题的建立和世界政府通过引入中介人士杂货,创造性的潜力,如Mearon , Shekinah ,等等,越要发扬成为上帝,以防止他的减少只是一种阴影;这个被提升提供尽可能采用pantheistic气学说,它告诉人们,在现实中没有存在之外的上帝。

Fifth, dry the fruitage to gain the cast powder that sparse earth activates Y2SiO5. the invention has many advantages, for example, high luminous inteneity, controllable powder granula and smooth-faced granulas, so it adapt to different dishware, especially, emanation in field and projectional T Invention name


The fragrance of the late blossoms seemed an emanation of the tranquil scene,a landscape tutored to the last degree of rural elegance.


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