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与 elusive 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, in the absence of a universally-accepted phylogenetic-based taxonomic system (and a pragmatic viewpoint dictates that such an absence will always exist), stability in terms of the number of caimans recognized by specific or subspecific nomenclature will remain elusive.


Laotse told us the form and object are come from the evasive and elusive Tao, in other words, they are empty in substance and ungraspable.


It defenitely will some day, but I find it interesting how elusive this peak is . The rabbit keeps hopping away. Yutu proved to be steep and complicated.


Even with most of the remaining old growth protected, the emblematic species of the great forests—northern spotted owls, elusive little seabirds called marbled murrelets, and coho salmon—continued their dangerous decline, while the reeling economy and housing bust were shuttering sawmills throughout the redwood range.


Red Pinot Noir is the epitome of the Audrey Hepburn wine: elusive, hard to pin down, and like nothing else on earth.


In a football game, you can make your quarterback elusive with the Nunchuk controller while you look for an open receiver to throw to using the Wii Remote.

在一场橄榄球的游戏中,你能用 Nunchuk 控制器使你解决四分卫难题,在你找一个周围没人的接球手把球扔出去,使用wii遥控手柄。

After a time the enemy was baying across all south Kiangsi, hunting for the elusive Reds.


So I think this topic is one that puzzles most and still befuddles the genuine seekers of this elusive life solution.


The evidence for calving at the Costa Rica Dome proved more elusive, but after many fruitless days, it arrived finally, to starboard, by way of a mother and her calf.


But at this moment, I am deeply in loveis only front these wisp of fragrances congeals, several pointlight, that share has contained the very long emotion in the moralnature, in this winter, when some strolls in the snow seeks theplum, finally has heard the nature elusive sound sound.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
