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与 eldest 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Http://www.biocompare.com let ZHANG Hui-min riding in his neck to see over the way the national flag guard of honor. The 24-year-old Zhang Jianmin Zhang Di is the eldest son, initially with the mother to study in Haikou, Sanya, then to wage nightclub two months ago backup corporations, sister and father to help complete the "End of the World -- Beijing" marathon.


Among the team of Wuhan, a eldest one political teaching and research group leader's lao Ma, Wuchang of 9 district, 46 years old, keen-witted and capable and precise and thin.


The youngest of the three was to receive from a grand-aunt a good hundred thousand livres of income; the second was the heir by entail to the title of the Duke, his uncle; the eldest was to succeed to the peerage of his grandfather.


It was well named: Green Angel Tower, its loftiest point, soared far above even the eldest and tallest of trees.


While the Nair family system lasted, we may assume that the common home of the brothers and mother would not often be such as to permit of a general succession — failing the brothers — of all the sister's children, where there was more than one sister ; and that the first advance to a restricted system of succession would be through the limitation of the right of succession, primo loco , to the children of the eldest sister.


Sons, kinsmen, thanes, and you whose places are the nearest, know; we will establish our estate upon our eldest, Malcolm, whom we name hereafter The Prince of Cumberland.


As soon as the eldest was fifteen,she was allowed to rise up to the surface of the ocean.when she came back,she had hundreds of things to talk about ;but the most beautiful,she said,was to lie in the moonlight,on a sandbank,in the quiet sea,near the coast,and to gaze on a large town nearby,where the lights were twinkling like hundreds of stars;to listen to the sounds of the music,the noise of carriages,and the voices of human beings,and then to hear the merry bells peal out from the church steeples


The IQ-boosting power of tutoring, meanwhile, may actually have less influence in small families, with parents of just two or three kids doing most of the teaching, than in the six- or eight-child family, in which the eldest sibs have to pitch in more.


Little did I realize that these ramblings were the first steps into what would help me heal the pain of losing our eldest furkid, a core member of our family.


Shanghai cadastral penetration Love well, basketball, swimming, dancing Alex: learn Shanghai theater academy Service: Shanghai WenYiBing ensemble's protection Career: host hunan TV every day WangHan: Name: WangHan WangHan host Name: WangJianGang (because of a bad mood, accidentally say "hell", and so change WangHan, then feel "contain" meaning, so finally became WangHan) Pulitzer nickname: god, eldest brother, han han Career: the host, singer Birthday: 7 April 1974 Animals: tiger Weight: 65KG Height: 1.74 M Constellations: Aries Originally, Shanghai Birthplace, suzhou Growth in jiangsu province of hunan xiangtan: river =+ Graduated from colleges: hunan radio and television university Wife: YangLeLe Lucky Numbers: 4, 7 Understanding of the United States: health, sunshine, cheerful Love to do: learning, collecting antiques, research buddhist Favorite leisure activities: reading, reading, playing mahjong, golf Most of the parents, who worship, premier zhou enlai Most like to eat things: doesn't matter The most embarrassing thing: fat Like most city: the beautiful city Favorite color: all colors, The happiest thing: reunion Favorite flower: popcorn Favorite season: throughout the year Dialect, changsha: hunan assembly, zhuzhou and xiangtan, shandong, guangdong, sichuan, wuhan, Shanghai dialect, northeast words, words, changde ningxiang and a bunch of... Leslie: idols Personal assistant: fan w, Hunan satellite TV, male host of humor wisdom, reaction super fast.

籍 贯:上海爱好:篮球、游泳、跳舞学历:上海戏剧学院服役:上海警备文工团文艺兵演艺事业:主持湖南卫视天天向上汪涵:姓名:汪涵主持人汪涵原名:汪建刚(因为怕心情不好,不小心说成&见鬼&,所以改成了汪寒,后来觉得&涵&有内涵,所以最后成了汪涵)昵称:策神、大哥、涵涵职业:主持人、歌手生日:1974年4月7日生肖:虎体重:65KG 身高:1.74M UP中)星座:白羊座祖籍:上海出生地:苏州成长地:湘潭毕业院校:湖南广播电视大学老婆:杨乐乐幸运数字:4、7 对美的认识:健康、阳光、开朗最爱做的事:学习、收藏古董、研究佛经最喜欢的休闲活动:读书、看报、搓麻将、高尔夫最崇拜的人:父母、周恩来最喜欢吃的东西:无所谓最尴尬的事:发胖最喜欢的城市:美丽小城最喜欢的颜色:所有颜色(不浪费最开心的事:团聚最喜欢的花:爆米花最喜欢的季节:一年四季方言:湘乡话,长沙话,湘潭话,株洲话,山东话、广东话,武汉话,四川话,上海话,东北话,宁乡话,常德话还有一堆……偶像:张国荣私人助理:范魏、阿力湖南卫视当家男主持,幽默智慧,反应超快。

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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
