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与 eldest 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Our eldest-born, speak first.


The eldest son is a junior high school, in love with a girl older than him, could be the other side Electra plot, made his hands and flawless request -"Please you to be my father!"


Kidman, who has returned to her Catholic faith afters years studying Scientology with first husband Tom Cruise, and whose eldest two children remain Scientologists, described the celebration as "beautiful".


When George Bush won the election, his eldest son returned to Texas, a move that shocked Washington careerists.


The mother and her eldest daughter are weeding the bund in the lead of others… The second son ,12 years old, is leading the donkey carrying sand in little creels back from the seashore too far from the field and then they mix sand into black soil.


The mother and the eldest daughter weeded the ridges, passing before the others…A younger son, of twelve years, brought sea sand in a donkeys creels from a far corner of the field.


The mother and the eldest daughter weeded the ridges, passing before the others…A younger son, of twelve years, brought sea sand in a donkey's creels from a far corner of the field.


It spread over Europe with remarkable rapidity, the principal instrument of diffusion being Family Settlements, the Pactes de Famille of France and Haus-Gesetze of Germany, which universally stipulated that lands held by knightly service should descend to the eldest son.

长子继承权&于是就以惊人迅速的程度遍传到全欧各地,它传播的主要工具是&家族授产(Family Settlement,在法兰西称为Pactes de Famille,在日耳曼称为Haus Gesetze),它普遍规定凡是由于武功而占有的土地一概应传给长子。

But, though the fiefs were hereditary, they did not necessarily descend to the eldest son.


These appellations, 'the first-begotten, the eldest son,' are given to the Logos by Philo, because in his philosphy it includes the oroginal conception, the archytype idea, of creation, which was afterward realised in the material world.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
