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Despite current therapies for multiple myeloma, clinical outcome is often poor, variable, and unpredictable, writes editorialist Thomas Gilmore, PhD, from Boston University, in Massachusetts. Hence, much effort has been devoted recently to using genetic approaches to define MM molecular subtypes and how these may be used to direct and predict susceptibility to various treatment regimens, he adds.

"虽然目前骨髓瘤的临床治疗成果常常是贫乏、多变且不可预计,"来自马萨诸塞州波士顿大学的哲学博士编辑Thomas Gilmore写道,然而,最近许多研究利用基因技术的新突破来确定骨髓瘤的分子亚型以及这些可能在指导和预示对于众多治疗方案敏感性的方面的得到应用。

By investigating kuru, the editorialist writes, current uncertainties about the size of the vCJD epidemic and the number of infected individuals can begin to be narrowed."Any belief that vCJD incidence has peaked and that we are through the worst of this sinister disease must now be treated with extreme skepticism."Lancet 2006;


March 26, 2003 The mu agonist levorphanol is effective for neuropathic pain, according to the results of a randomized, double-blind study published in the March 27 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine . Higher doses reduced pain more than lower doses but had greater adverse effects limiting the additional benefit. An editorialist puts this into perspective, suggesting that this adds to the evidence countering the opinion that neuropathic pain is opioid-resistant.

March 26, 2003 -根据一项发表於3月27日「新英格兰医学期刊(New England Journal of Medicine)」的随机、双盲试验结果显示,mu作用剂levorphanol可有效治疗神经性病变的疼痛,而且高剂量的疼痛缓解作用比低剂量好,但相对地,副作用也较大;随后的评论则表示这个研究结果与过去所认为神经病变所引起的疼痛对鸦片类药物具有抗性的说法相反。

First, the individuals who would be most likely to benefit need to be identified, writes editorialist Sanford Markowitz, MD, PhD, from Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio. Then, it needs to be shown that certain persons reproducibly demonstrate high COX-2 expression in independent adenomas or cancers, because of genetic predisposition or environmental exposures. And third, the work of Dr. Chan and colleagues needs to be extended by demonstrating that prevention of colon adenomas by aspirin or COX-2 inhibitors also involves blocking the development of the highest COX-2–expressing lesions, he says.

俄亥俄州克里夫兰Case Western Reserve大学的Case Western Reserve医师表示,首先,必须要拿找出最能受益的一群病患;接著,必须要能证实部分病患的独立腺瘤或癌症,因为基因及环境的影响,会一再地是高度表现COX-2的;第三,Chan医师与其同事的研究,需要透过aspirin或是COX-2抑制剂可以预防大肠腺瘤的作用,也牵涉到阻断COX-2表现病灶的生成。

This may eventually cause problems with patient access to these new therapies, the editorial suggests. All of the targeted therapies available to date are added onto conventional treatment, thus adding costs to the healthcare system."When the goal is to improve the chance for a cure, these new treatments seem to be well worth the expenditure," comments editorialist Hyman Muss, MD, from the Vermont Cancer Center, in Burlington."However, when the goal is to improve the quality of life or delay the time to progression by several months, as it is with many treatments for metastatic breast cancer, it is less clear whether the health system can and should bear these expenses."

当病患最终接触到这些新疗法时可能会发生问题,主编表示,目前为止,这些新的标靶疗法都是加在传统疗法之上,这对医疗系统造成负担;布灵顿Vermont 癌症中心Hyman Muss医师表示,当目标放在治癒时,这些新疗法是值得研究的,然而,当目标放在改善生活质量与减缓疾病进程时,仍有许多其它疗法可以选择,这些新药物应用在这种情形下的角色仍不清楚,且应该考虑医疗系统是否能够或是是否需要负担这些费用。

As the editorialist notes, unmeasured confounders as well as patient and physician preference may have influenced the results of both studies, and longer follow-up is necessary to confirm the relative safety profile of DES; nonetheless, these reports provide useful data for making better-informed decisions.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
