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The findings should be replicated, but letting hot drinks cool off for several minutes is a good idea, notes editorialist David Whiteman, PhD, of Australia's Queensland Institute of Medical Research.


The editorialist in me says, if Washington -- or for that matter, beleaguered US manufacturers -- really wants China to give, then it needs to make that argument from a position of a macro strength and boost America's national saving rate.


As the editorialist notes, unmeasured confounders as well as patient and physician preference may have influenced the results of both studies, and longer follow-up is necessary to confirm the relative safety profile of DES; nonetheless, these reports provide useful data for making better-informed decisions.


According to the editorialist, the idea for studies such as this one exploring the possibility that tumor growth is driven by pluripotent cells considered cancer stem cells comes from work in the hematologic cancers, where stem-cell research is well established.


Monday, Aug 22, 2005,Page 8Your editorial "Hen Tai is a badge of pride"(Aug. 20, page 8) ends with a remark to the effect that Irish are prepared to use violence to stand up for their own country and culture -- surely this is the correct interpretation of your editorialist's talk of a "robust" response -- and laments the Taiwanese inability to follow suit.


"Because some of these cancers…are hard to screen with current imaging techniques, further development of fecal DNA as a pan-detection assay for gastrointestinal tract cancers represents an intriguing and exciting new frontier," the editorialist writes.


In terms of the management of a uniformly fatal disease, radiotherapy was shown to have a modest survival benefit with acceptable toxic effects, comments the editorialist, Lillian Siu, MD, from the University of Toronto, Ontario.

安大略多伦多大学Lillian Siu医师在随后的主编评语中指出,对於处理一种死亡率很高的疾病,放射线疗法已经被证实有些微的存活好处,且毒性可以接受。

The editorialist was commenting on a double-blind, randomized trial comparing ceftobiprole medocaril monotherapy and vancomycin-ceftazidime combination therapy, conducted among 828 patients at 129 international sites.

该主笔在评价一种双盲,随机试验法,该法被用于比较ceftobiprole medocaril 单疗法和万古霉素-头孢菌素混合疗法,该实验是在来自129个国际地方的828个病人中展开的。

Oct. 6, 2003 A five-week high-protein diet improves glycemic control and lipid profiles without adversely affecting renal function in type 2 diabetes, according to the results of a study published in the October issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . The editorialist praises the study design, but all agree that long-term outcomes studies are now needed.

Oct。 6, 2003 -根据10月份「美国临床营养学期刊(American Journal of Clinical Nutrition)」所发表的一项研究结果显示,第二型糖尿病患者采用五周的高蛋白饮食可改善患者的血糖控制以及血脂浓度,却没有肾功能方面的副作用,本期刊之总主笔对这个研究设计大表赞赏,但所有人也都同意目前仍需要有长期的研究结果才能加以确认。

They have made it clear that the message the public should take from their data regarding precipitation and autism is the same one suggested by an editorialist commenting on a recently observed modest association between prenatal exposure to cell phone use and behavior problems in childhood:'No call for alarm, stay tuned'.

他们已经明确表示这种信息,市民就降水量和自闭症应采取自己的数据,如同评论员对最近产前使用手机和儿童的行为问题关系评论的一个建议:'No call for alarm, stay tuned'。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
