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No regrets, either, for the fact that when he edited Encounter magazine with Stephen Spender in the 1950s it was subsidised by the CIA; secret subventions to intellectual endeavour were probably rather a good way to counter anti-Americanism in Europe.


Abstract」By the approaches of index and explanation of cause and effect,with the statistics in all kinds of yearbooks edited by the authorities ,in comparisonwith some scholars'same studies about other countries or areas ,this article analysesthe impacts of modernization on the evolution of litigation rates in China,1978—2000,and tests the theoretic hypothesis about the relations between social developmentand evolution of litigation established by some foreign scholars.


Li,Si-ming " China's Regional Development Issues," in China Transition : Issues & Policies, edited by David C.B.


The Cambridge Text on Vitoria is part of a series edited by Raymond Geuss and Quentin Skinner on key Political thinkers.

&剑桥政治思想史文丛&是由Raymond Geuss和Quentin Skinner编辑的介绍重要政治思想家的系列丛书,该书是文丛中的一种。

One of Varese's works on the program , Integrales , was personally edited by Chou.

瓦雷兹 工作的秘闻,和自己用当代音乐来表达传统文人文化的理论。

He has been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, guest-edited French Vogue and won a global following for a version of Tibetan Buddhism that combines the ancient and opaque with a hint of New Age.


I shot the film in just 18 days,"he told Roger Ebert,"and I edited the final cut in only four days.


The work, known as the Diary of Tomás Pereira S.J., first published in Portuguese and English, translated and edited by Joseph Sebes S.J., and published in Rome in 1961, is not, strictly speaking, a diary in our normal understanding of that word.


Luician is known to have edited the Scriptures at Antioch, and is supposed to have introduced there the shorter New Testament which later St. John Chrysostom and his followers employed--one in which Apocalypse, II Peter, II and III John, and Jude had no place.


The book was edited by Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and reached number one on the New York Times Best Seller list.


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I'm The Man (Edited Version)

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
