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eastern europe相关的网络例句

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与 eastern europe 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Children dance around a maypole in a centuries-old tradition that is still thriving in eastern Europe.

春秋中文社区http://bbs.cqzg.cn 在东欧仍然保留着孩子们围着五朔节花柱跳舞的悠久传统。

Photo of the Day: World Celebrations Children dance around a maypole in a centuries-old tradition that is still thriving in eastern Europe.


The more heavily muscled began trading rapidly depreciating zlotys for dollars and D-Marks on the streets, while those less impressively physically endowed took to the trains and travelled throughout eastern Europe, carrying stockings to Romania, buying meat from Czechoslovakia and cameras from East Germany.


The more heavily muscled began trading rapidly depreciating zlotys for dollars and D-Marks on the streets, while those less impressively physically endowed took to the trains and travelled throughout eastern Europe, carrying stockings to Romania, buying meat from Czechoslovakia and cameras from East Germany.


Similarly, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe are exhibiting such rampant pro-Americanism that Moscow, their old master, is growing restive.


I think the upheavals in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union were inevitable.


Jillian Poole of Virginia started the Fund for Arts and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe in nineteen ninety-one.

弗吉尼亚州的Jillian Poole在1991年出资金为艺术和文化在中欧和东欧设立了基金。

Hardy horsemen accustomed to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region.


Asia's economies have posted the starkest declines, but the slide is evident from Latin America to Eastern Europe.


On this release, Windham Hill collects six classic catalog tracks and adds two new ones each from highly regarded musician Adam del Monte and New Age artist Sean Harkness. Flamenco is inarguably the music of Spain, but this collection also highlights influences from the Middle East, North Africa, and Eastern Europe. Vicente Amigo's "Three Notes to Say I Love You" is a bit on the schmaltzy side, but it's nicely balanced by the intense fretwork on del Monte's "Sombra del Paraiso."

windham Hill公司发行了&windham Hill吉它曲集锦&展现了对于有着数百年古老传统的弗拉门戈的现代继承,这张专辑中汇集了近十年来流行的六首经典曲目,以及由adam Del Monte和广受欢迎的新世纪艺术家sean Harkness作曲的四首曲目。

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Eastern Europe

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
