英语人>网络例句>eager 相关的网络例句

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与 eager 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Once being eager to stay with someone forever, later, we would felicitate ourselves on leaving him/her.


I don not know what I should say,but I am eager to know your felling.


In the society of nowadays, we all eager to gain achievement fervently.


It found the trail of rabbit, field mouse, fox and wolf, but it was so eager to catch a big animal that it gave up them.


Beginning they find delight in the poems they hear or read, they are ready and eager to __23__ further-more books and more poems of different sorts. Even the youngest children can learn to see implications __24__ the obvious.


" The king he smiled eager, and shoved out his flapper, and says:"Is it my poor brother's dear good friend and physician?


Meet Roy and Frank, con men who plan to flimflam a flimflammer out of big-time dough. They have a new partner to help them too: Roy's long-absent 14-year-old daughter, who has entered his life and is eager to learn the art of the con.


VC to write a small program used to achieve the floating window, very interesting, and eager to learn, very useful.


A picture in the local press showed eager customers who brought chairs and folding beds to camp outside the sales office with their families.


If he is so eager to meet one of us, I say we let Mr. Lancaster foot the bill.


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Keep 'em Eager To Listen
So Eager

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
