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与 eager 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Relevant academic achievements are in eager demand and the lack of academic achievements is in disproportion with the demand by the fast development of China's venture capital market.


Where this advantage can no longer be had, I confess I should like to see the teachers of mankind endeavouring to provide a substitute for it; some contrivance for making the difficulties of the question as present to the learner's consciousness, as if they were pressed upon him by a dissentient champion, eager for his conversion.


My sister is so eager to America,nobody can dissuade her.


My sister is so eager to America that nobody can dissuade her.


I throw out these queries for intelligent readers to answer, who know, at once, how credulous we are, and how sceptical, how soft and how obstinate, how firm for others and how diffident about ourselves: meanwhile, it is certain that our friend William Dobbin, who was personally of so complying a disposition that if his parents had pressed him much, it is probable he would have stepped down into the kitchen and married the cook, and who, to further his own interests, would have found the most insuperable difficulty in walking across the street, found himself as busy and eager in the conduct of George Osborne's affairs, as the most selfish tactician could be in the pursuit of his own.


Portrayed him as a doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.


In 2006, eager to pitch his idea, Dorsey approached the podcasting company Odeo, based in San Francisco.


She set the candle on the dressing-table, flung off her bonnet and slung it loosely across her arm; she went to the wash-hand-stand and filled the basin with water. She plunged her golden hair into this water, and then stood for a few moments in the centre of the room looking about her, with a white earnest face, and an eager gaze that seemed to take in every object in the poorly-furnished chamber.


We drow are ever eager to broaden our...


Mentality from the developer perspective,唯愿prices are rising, but the land, credit dual pressure, making a number of developers,"eager to sell", despite the policy changes brought about by the supply of land will be decreased, but the domestic supply of optimism increase will not bring prices up, and even the possibility of slightly reduced.


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Keep 'em Eager To Listen
So Eager

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
