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与 drip-drop 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Baby two weeks before the tonsil inflammation fever, around 38.6, intravenous drip Cephalosporium day, burning back to eat Greek inscriptions labor, cough did not improve and after three days for azithromycin Su-, three days after eating it.


The first group (M68,F31;age 58a±s8a) was treated withaddition of potassiummagnesiumaspartate 40-60mL plus 10%potassium chloride 10mL;and second group (M126,F 45;age 53a±8a) was treated with theaddition of 25%magnesium sulfate 5-10mL plus 10%potassium chlor ide 10-15mL,both in 5%glucose injection 500mL,iv,drip,qd×10d.

门冬联用组99例在常规治疗基础上加用门冬氨酸钾镁40-60mL联合10%氯化钾10mL 治疗;硫酸镁联用组171例加用25%硫酸镁5-10mL联合10%氯化钾10-15mL治疗;2组药物均分别溶于5%葡萄糖注射液500mL中静脉滴注,qd,疗程均为10 d。

Results Intravenous drip of squamocin injection at the dose of 0.6~0.9 mg/ showed moderate to severe toxicity in dogs: dyspnea, crouch, vomiting, quiet, stagger, tongue and mouth pale or cyanopathy etc, electrocardiogram and blood biochemistry appear many index changes, indeed death.

结果 犬单次静脉滴注阿诺宁脂肪乳注射液0.6~0.9 mg/时产生中重度中毒症状,主要表现为呼吸困难、低头、呕吐、安静少动、站立不稳、舌面苍白、口腔黏膜苍白或紫绀等症状,心电图及血液生化学出现多项指标改变,甚至死亡。

Some factors to influence the silicon content of hot metal were proposed on the basis of the experiment in the lab: increasing the binary basicity is favorable to desiliconization; the oxide in slag debases the silicon activity and is of great advantage to desiliconization; Al2O3 and SiO2 are disadvantageous to desiliconization, the volatilization content of SiO2 in coke increases with increasing smelting temperature, leading to increase the silicon content of hot metal; the silicon content of hot metal increases with increasing the drip zone's altitude.


Methods 45 patients with acute alcoholism were randomly divided into research(n=25) and control group(n=20),emetics were given to noncoma patients to discharge endogastric alcohol and intravenous drip of 10% glucose,0.9% sodium chloride solution,VIT C and B6 in order to diuresis and rectifications of acid base,fluid and electrolyte imbalance;The research group was treated with restoring consciousness jing plus naloxone and control group with single naloxone.


Methods 45 patients with acute alcoholism were randomly divided into research(n=25) and control group(n=20),emetics were given to non??coma patients to discharge endogastric alcohol and intravenous drip of 10% glucose,0.9% sodium chloride solution,VIT C and B6 in order to diuresis and rectifications of acid base,fluid and electrolyte imbalance;The research group was treated with restoring consciousness jing plus naloxone and control group with single naloxone.


Xu has led some researches for national patent projects. For example, in 2003, her design of strap-slide-avoidable bra won the National Utility Model Patent. In 2002, another design of hers which is in drip shape, with flexile bone case of side supporting function bra was granted the National Performance Patent.


In hyperemesis gravidarum, hospital treatment is often needed to stop the dehydration by giving fluids through an intravenous drip directly into a vein.


The musical sensibility is apparent in the recurrence of certain locations, sounds, and camera setups; in the lightning-quick shot of the collapse of a tent, effected by Norbu's accomplice in the first horse theft that we see; in a remarkable sequence devoted to Norbu's extended praying and prostrations, which hypnotically combines camera movements and superimpositions with a use of other human figures that ambiguously alters our sense of his isolation; in the slow drip of water from melting snow that Norbu catches in a jug to bring to his ailing child; in the intricately structured sequence showing the clan's westward migration, as fine a piece of epic poetry as some of the grander collective movements in Ford; and above all, in the depictions of the Buddhist ceremonies and rituals, which are themselves patterned like musical structures.

在再现某些地点、声音和摄影机设置时,音乐感是显而易见的。快如闪电地拍摄一个帐篷的倒塌,这是我们所见 Norbu 参与到第一次盗马时所弄倒的; Norbu 长时间的祈祷和不断俯卧拜倒成就了一个标志性的场景,用了其他几个人物形象恍如催眠式地将摄影机运动和叠印一起使用,就这样含糊地改变了我们对他孤立的感受;Norbu用水壶接住融化的雪缓慢滴落下来的水,这是要带回去给他生病的小孩;复杂结构的场景展现了宗族的西迁,总之,佛教庆典和仪式的描写,其本身形式就很像音乐结构。

Methods: There were 65 patients with DN included in this sutdy on the unchanged treatment base of antidiabetic diet, hypoglycemic and hypotensor, PGE 1200ug was added into NS 250~500mL, drip intravenous once a day, continued for 21 days.

6 5例 DN患者在原有饮食控制、降血糖、降血压治疗不变的基础上,PGE1 2 0 0 μg加入生理盐水 2 5 0~ 5 0 0 m L 中静滴,每日 1次,连用 2 1天。

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Acid Drip
Tears Drip
Drip, Drip, Drip
Penile Drip
Drip Fed Fred
Gettin Drip

This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
