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And there are other kinds, where you just pour in the water and it drip s through, that's called a drip coffee maker.

这里还有其它种类的咖啡机,那种你只需倒入清水的咖啡机,叫" drip coffeemaker"。

And there are other kinds, where you just pour in the water and it drips through, that's called a "drip coffee maker".

这里还有其它种类的咖啡机,那种你只需倒入清水的咖啡机,叫"drip coffee maker"。

In the design of drip irrigation system, the choice of dripper discharge affects the irrigating water quality and the costs of drip irrigation engineer, while the soil moisture uniformity for line source drip irrigation affects crops water use directly, and it is the foundation to design drip irrigation system.


Based on the technological requirements of drip irrigation and the factors influencing the dripper discharge, the importance of studying the design models for dripper discharge was indicated in this paper, as well as, the foundation of designing the dripper discharge for point drip irrigation and linear drip irrigation, especially the foundation of designing the dripper discharge meeting with the soil moisture uniformity for line source drip irrigation.


Objective: To explore the correlation between chronic cough and postnasal drip syndrome in children.

目的:探讨儿童慢性咳嗽与鼻后滴漏综合征(postnasal drip syndrome,PNDS)的关系。

ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore the correlation between chronic cough and postnasal drip syndrome in children.

目的:探讨儿童慢性咳嗽与鼻后滴漏综合征(postnasal drip syndrome,PNDS)的关系。

In this study, sulfate radical concentration from 4 drip water points (PL1, PL2, SH, JG) in the Shihua cave have been monitored for three years, and those from the drip water point was monitored for two years. Drip discharges show three types of response to surface precipitation variations: rapid response, response with associated time-lag and stable. The results show that:(1) SO(superscript 2- subscript 4) concentration in rapid response drip water increases sharply during rain period and has a exponential relationship with drip rate;(2) in the drip water of lag response, SO(superscript 2- subscript 4) concentration has no significant incrcase during rainfall, but they show a increasing trend during a long-term monitoring;(3) SO(superscript 2- subscript 4) concentration at the stable drip site is low and has no obvious change during wet weason.

本文通过对石花洞洞穴4个滴水点(JG, SH, PL1和PL2)硫酸根浓度近3个水文年的分析测定,结果表明:响应降雨快的滴水点滴水SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度升高幅度最明显,且滴水SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度与滴率成指数关系;滞后响应降雨的观测点滴水SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度雨季升高幅度不明显,但在长期观测期间有明显增加的趋势;对降雨没有响应的滴水点,其SO(上标 2-下标 4)浓度低且雨季没有明显变化。

And there are other kinds, where you just pour in the water and it drip s through, that's called a drip coffee maker.

这里还有其它种类的咖啡机,那种你只需倒入清水的咖啡机,叫& drip coffeemaker&。

And there are other kinds, where you just pour in the water and it drips through, that's called a "drip coffee maker".

这里还有其它种类的咖啡机,那种你只需倒入清水的咖啡机,叫&drip coffee maker&。

From analyzing the drip irrigation emitter types and choosing in experiment, the main conclusions are as follows: The best type of subsurface drip irrigation emitter is drip pipe. Under lower water press the stabilization discharge of orifice emitter in soil is three fifth of that in air, which can meet the request of subsurface drip irrigation.

通过对现有滴灌灌水器类型的分析及试验筛选,结果表明,内镶式滴灌管最适宜应用于地下滴灌,在低压运行时,孔口式滴头在土壤中稳定出流量为空气中的 3/ 5 ,基本可以满足地下滴灌的要求;在较高供水压力时,所选取的几种滴头基本上都可以用于地下滴灌。

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Acid Drip
Tears Drip
Drip, Drip, Drip
Penile Drip
Drip Fed Fred
Gettin Drip

No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
