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与 drip with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with


In order to investigate the long-term effect of mulch-drip irrigation on the chemical properties of salt-affected soils by the method of time-space transformation. The characteristics of salinity and salt ions distribution in 0~150 cm soil profile in the fields with corn planted for one year and two years. At the same time, the uncropped saline waste land adjacent to the experimental site was taken as the control.

为了研究长期覆膜滴灌对土壤化学性质的影响,该文通过时空转化的方法研究了覆膜滴灌种植春玉米1a和2a的盐碱地土壤盐分及盐分离子在0~150 cm土壤剖面上的分布特征,同时以试验地附近未种植的盐碱荒地作为对照。

Compared with uncropped saline waste land, contents of chloride and sodium, the ratio of Cl- to SO42- and SAR in the layer of below 40 cm under mulch-drip irrigation increase.

与盐碱荒地相比,滴灌种植以后40 cm以下土层Cl-含量、Na+含量、Cl-/ SO42-、钠吸附比均增加了。

Unicolor is accepting the exogenous DNA pollen-tube pathway transferring, the embryo seeds rate would be higher with 50 ug/ml concentration solution and the neutral drip DNA solution could be advisable.The gel electrophoresis of protein of the variation of the number of chromosome dont show any difference between transgene plant and their parental generation.


Antiophidic serum was given by intravenous injection according to the skin test with certain venin serum, at the same time given intravenous drip of dexamethasone 20-30mg/d and procaine 10-30ml (0.25-0.5%) by circle block therapy near the area of swelling and numbness of snakebite.


Yes, days are coming, says the LORD, When the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the vintager, him who sows the seed; The juice of grapes shall drip down the mountains, and all the hills shall run with it.


Raw materials for the first practice on the drip juice cooked in the pan and then covered with wood chips, sugar, tea, and Bi, Bi-cooked ingredients, cover pot Yong Xiaohuo smoked, so that condensation of raw materials Smoke Surface.


The first group (M68,F31;age 58a±s8a) was treated withaddition of potassiummagnesiumaspartate 40-60mL plus 10%potassium chloride 10mL;and second group (M126,F 45;age 53a±8a) was treated with theaddition of 25%magnesium sulfate 5-10mL plus 10%potassium chlor ide 10-15mL,both in 5%glucose injection 500mL,iv,drip,qd×10d.

门冬联用组99例在常规治疗基础上加用门冬氨酸钾镁40-60mL联合10%氯化钾10mL 治疗;硫酸镁联用组171例加用25%硫酸镁5-10mL联合10%氯化钾10-15mL治疗;2组药物均分别溶于5%葡萄糖注射液500mL中静脉滴注,qd,疗程均为10 d。

Xu has led some researches for national patent projects. For example, in 2003, her design of strap-slide-avoidable bra won the National Utility Model Patent. In 2002, another design of hers which is in drip shape, with flexile bone case of side supporting function bra was granted the National Performance Patent.


The musical sensibility is apparent in the recurrence of certain locations, sounds, and camera setups; in the lightning-quick shot of the collapse of a tent, effected by Norbu's accomplice in the first horse theft that we see; in a remarkable sequence devoted to Norbu's extended praying and prostrations, which hypnotically combines camera movements and superimpositions with a use of other human figures that ambiguously alters our sense of his isolation; in the slow drip of water from melting snow that Norbu catches in a jug to bring to his ailing child; in the intricately structured sequence showing the clan's westward migration, as fine a piece of epic poetry as some of the grander collective movements in Ford; and above all, in the depictions of the Buddhist ceremonies and rituals, which are themselves patterned like musical structures.

在再现某些地点、声音和摄影机设置时,音乐感是显而易见的。快如闪电地拍摄一个帐篷的倒塌,这是我们所见 Norbu 参与到第一次盗马时所弄倒的; Norbu 长时间的祈祷和不断俯卧拜倒成就了一个标志性的场景,用了其他几个人物形象恍如催眠式地将摄影机运动和叠印一起使用,就这样含糊地改变了我们对他孤立的感受;Norbu用水壶接住融化的雪缓慢滴落下来的水,这是要带回去给他生病的小孩;复杂结构的场景展现了宗族的西迁,总之,佛教庆典和仪式的描写,其本身形式就很像音乐结构。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
