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与 dreaming 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pray tell me anything new that has happened to a man anywhere on this globe,--and he reads it over his coffee and rolls, that a man has had his eyes gouged out this morning on the Wachito River; never dreaming the while that he lives in the dark unfathomed mammoth cave of this world, and has but the rudiment of an eye himself.


The purpose of dreaming is to unfetter human instinct and allow it to follow the dictates of primal memory.


But later, to unhesitatingly called "Dreaming of the Tiger spring."


However, until the mind is alert enough to notice these objects as soon as they arise, it will tend to wander unmindfully after these thoughts, feelings and emotions. sometime later, the meditator becomes aware that he has been day dreaming.


Learning and growing up in such an environment, one may regard dreaming as an unproductive act.


The short Mandukya Upanishad is associated with the Atharva Veda and delineates four levels of consciousness: waking, dreaming, deep sleep, and a fourth mystical state of being one with the soul.


In Mansun's Only Love Song', we get a glimpse into his life as he sees himself during the day - a vicar in appearance, but his mind is far away, dreaming of the exciting world of being a stripper -"Mavis looking sexy through her dress it shines, standing in the vestry she recites her lines" are how he views himself at that time - just reciting lines like an actor, not really meaning it, as his mind was on being Mavis, his stripper alter-ego, who really is "all things to no men" in the clubs.

在Mansun's Only Love Song'这首歌中,我们得以窥见到他的真实生活,他真实的一面----表面道貌岸然,脑子里的幻想却早已九霄云外。。去幻想那些本该不属于自己生活的东西,比如,他会想如果自己变成脱衣舞娘那样的生活会有多刺激--绚丽的灯光下的Mavis--也就是幻想中的自己,看起来是那么迷人与性感。

The Stairs were such as whereon Jacob saw [ 510 ] Angels ascending and descending, bands Of Guardians bright, when he from Esau fled To Padan-Aram in the field of Luz, Dreaming by night under the open Skie, And waking cri'd, This is the Gate of Heav'n [ 515 ] Each Stair mysteriously was meant, nor stood There alwayes, but drawn up to Heav'n somtimes Viewless, and underneath a bright Sea flow'd Of Jasper, or of liquid Pearle, whereon Who after came from Earth, sayling arriv'd, [ 520 ] Wafted by Angels, or flew o're the Lake Rapt in a Chariot drawn by fiery Steeds.


When you ask so many questions that your mom does not know how to answer While you sit at the front of your mom's bike When you jump into water while your dad is not watching you While you do not know how to swim and cry to ask for your dad's help When you are proud of yourself as your teacher visiting your home While most of your classmates are fear of your teacher's home visiting You are in the first decade of your life When you start to compete at school after taking your parents' suggestion As you know studying hard is the only way to change your life When you are lazy on-campus while not at home As you want to be different to your classmates When you are dreaming to move to your capital for further study As you want to get into the best school in the nation You are in the second decade of your life When you are surprised there are so many smart classmates around you After you leave your hometown and ride on your bike in the most beautiful campus When you start to treat English like your native language After you see so many schoolmates go abroad by passing English test When you are in a plane for the first time heading towards a strange land After your pass so many tests and contact so many professors You are in the third decade of your life When you surprises your peers who say why Chinese are so smart When you are out of joy after owning your first used car When your local roommate asks for a coffee after coaching you on how to drive When your advisor complains you are running too fast When you turn down one job offer and go for another When you work in the industry as a CEO-under-training You are in the third decade of your life When your customer becomes your boss When your freedom becomes your burden When your daily job is to create jobs When you nightly job is to create poems When no town becomes your hometown When no land becomes your homeland You are in the fourth decade of your life How many decades have you gone through?

十年 当你问这么多问题,你的妈妈不知道如何回答当你坐在前面的你妈妈的自行车当你跳入水中,而你爸爸不是看着你虽然你不知道如何游泳,并大声呼喊请你爸爸的帮助当你感到自豪的是自己作为你的老师您的家庭访问虽然大多数的同学都担心你的老师的家访您是在第1个十年的生活当您开始在学校的竞争后,你的父母的建议如你所知勤奋学习是唯一的方法来改变你的生活当你懒惰的校园虽然没有在家里如您想成为不同,你的同学当你梦想转移到你的资本,为进一步研究如您想进入最好的学校在全国您的第2个十年的生活当你感到惊讶有这么多聪明的你周围的同学当您离开您的家乡,你骑自行车在最美丽的校园当您开始像对待你的英语母语当您看到这么多同学出国通过英语测试当你在飞机第一次走向一个陌生的土地您传球后这么多的试验和接触这么多的教授您的第3个十年的生活当您惊喜您的同行说,谁,为什么中国如此聪明当你的喜悦当你自己你的第一个二手车当你的室友问当地的一个咖啡教练后,您就如何推动当您的顾问抱怨您正在运行速度太快当您打开了一个工作机会并转到另一个当您工作的行业作为一个首席执行官下训练您的第3个十年的生活当你的客户成为你的老板当你的自由成为你的负担当您每天的工作是创造就业机会当你每晚的工作是撰写诗歌如果没有城市成为您的故乡如果没有国家成为您的祖国您的第4个十年的生活几十年来多少,你经历?

The dreaming brain is not like the wakeful brain.


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Sometimes When I Am Dreaming
Dreaming My Dreams With You
Cali Dreaming
Keep Me Dreaming
If I'm Not Dreaming
Dreaming Light
Caught Dreaming
Day Dreaming
Dreaming My Way To You

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
