英语人>网络例句>draw out 相关的网络例句
draw out相关的网络例句

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与 draw out 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 15 A local government at or above the county level shall compile the draft budget and draft final accounts at the corresponding level, makes report on the draft general budget at the corresponding level to the people's congress at the corresponding level, submit for the record the totalized general budget submitted by the next lower level to the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level for the record, organize the implementation of the general budget at the corresponding level, make decisions to draw on reserve funds of the budget at the corresponding level, work out the adjustment plan for the budget at the corresponding level, supervise the budget implementation by the departments at the corresponding level and by the government at the next lower level, alter or annul inappropriate decisions and orders made by the departments at the corresponding level and the government at the next lower level on budget or final accounts, and submit report to the people's congress at the corresponding level or its standing committee on the implementation of the general budget at the corresponding level.


Then start the main process of this research-taking out the two categories of universalized jargon, in which we draw the whole track of universalizing of jargons, concluded the main characteristics of the two categories of universalized jargons, generalized the preconditions of nationalizing and assimilation and found the main three causes of this phenomenon, thus the whole scene of the universalizing process of jargons is displayed.


When the user zooms out to see them all together, the map will be cluttered with lines and these lines take a lot of time to draw.


You love change, routines seem to draw the life out of you.


Muggins plays much like Draw Game, except that the goal of the game is not just to go out, but to make the open ends of the layout add up to 5.All Fives, All Threes, All Fives and Threes and Muggins are games knows as "point games".

muggins发挥很像制定的游戏,除了这一目标的游戏不只是走出去,但要公开两端的布局,新增多达5 ,所有五岁以下,所有三,所有五岁以下和三和muggins是游戏,知道作为&点的游戏&。

The UK Financial Services Authority has asked a dozen banks to draw up "living wills", or recovery and resolution plans that set out each bank's blueprint for heading off a potential crisis and for dismembering it if those efforts fail.


The UK Financial Services Authority has asked a dozen banks to draw up ldquo;living willsrdquo;, or recovery and resolution plans that set out each bank's blueprint for heading off a potential crisis and for dismembering it if those efforts fail.


In after-school time, I like to read books, draw nourishment from the book to equip themselves with new ideas, explore mind, in addition to reading, the appropriate sport for me is also indispensable, is a strong body of work The former Tam, so every day I will carry out appropriate amount of sports.


The method is to draw incident power and reflection power of radar system through directional coupler and bridge circuit,and carries out pretreatment for gathered data with micro control unit,then calculates standing wave ratio.


Take your marker pen and draw a line radiating out from the center of the old valve boss.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
