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与 drainage-tube 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: To establish a rat model of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation with venacava endocrine drainage and enteric eccrine drainage. The recipient rats were introperitoneally injected with 15 mg/kg of proline dithiocarbamate in experiment group and with equal amount of normal saline in control group 30 minutes before transplantation.


Personally,i believe i am just the person who can best fill this position.to begin with,my major , my degree exactly meet the basic requirements of the advertised position.second,i have 6 years of experience rotating in surgical departments.as having pererrorerrorerrorformed 2000 or so procedures,i am able to deal with most basic clinical problems in most surgical departments,and i am good at all kinds of basic surgical skills and procedures,including tracheotomy,endotracheal intubation,thyrocricocentesis,central vein catheterization,external lateral ventricular drainage,closed drainage of thoracic cavity,peritoneocentesis,suprapubis vesicopun c ture,gastrointestinal decompression,urethral catheterization,cranial traction,bone marrow pun c ture,plaster immobilization, routine fracture fixation and traction, phlebotomy , excellent debridement and suturing, and so on.conclusively,i am competent in most basic surgical work and good at organising residents on first aid work.

我自信我正是贵公司所需要的雇员。首先,我的学历,学位和工作经验正符合贵公司在网站中告知的该职位的应聘条件。其次,我有 6 年的外科各科室轮转的工作经历。毕业至今我已经参与完成大小手术 2000 台次,鉴于此,我能处理各外科科室的基本临床问题,熟练进行外科各科室的基本临床操作和手术,比如气管切开术,气管内插管术,环甲膜穿刺术,中心静脉置管术,侧脑室外引流术,胸腔闭式引流术,腹腔穿刺术,胃肠减压术,耻骨上膀胱穿刺术,导尿术,颅骨牵引术,骨髓穿刺术,各种骨折固定和牵引术,静脉切开术,娴熟的清创缝合术等。总的说来,我能胜任外科各科室临床常规工作并组织住院医师进行急救工作。

By these technical methods and obey the principle which is complete exploration; find condition; drainage is first combined with blind in and mine is the last after drainage which after exploration, sandrock water is controlled completely.


On August 11, 2003, Kangkang was slantways laying on the bed of a hospital. He was in low spirits and his face was pale. A drainage bag of 400 milliliters hung on his thin and small body and a syringe needle was inserted in his arm. The drainage bag was connected to his chest cavity by a pipe.


Open drain in place; limited or minor drainage S Contact Precautions if there is copious uncontained drainage


According to the unperfected and not advanced status of the underground water drainage system in mine,the paper provided a new design plan of the water drainage monitoring and control system based on a virtual instrument.


Through asset integration, this project is planning to set up Bengbu Water Company Limited, a collectivized water company specialized in the construction and management of urban water supply and drainage, which is expected to perform collective construction, operation and management of water supply and drainage resources of Bengbu.


Taking Jiangning District in Nanjing City as an example, the drainage modulus of its urban diked area is calculated, then the correlation between drainage modulus and regulation storage is educed.


Methods 196 patients with perforating appendicitis were randomly divided into drainage group and non - drainage group.


Abstract] objective to study the chronic subdural haematoma pathological mechanism characteristic,curing method and factor failing.methods the method carries on a clinical research to 217 sufferers and the whole set goes skull ct to scan.for the very first time surgical operation method all for drill a hole to lead to drainage.results cured 193 cases (88.94%),haematoma residual 9 cases (4.15%),haematoma recrudesces 15 cases (6.91%).conclusion procedure selection should be based on condition of the patients with hematoma,drainage completely and anti-pneumo encephalos may important.

摘要] 目的探讨分析慢性硬膜下血肿的病理特点、治疗方法和失败因素。方法对217例患者进行临床研究,全组均行头颅ct扫描。首次手术方式均为钻孔引流术。结果恢复良好者193例(88.94%),血肿残留9例(4.15%),血肿复发15例(6.91%)。结论对慢性硬膜下血肿的治疗应根据病情选择手术方式,术中血肿冲洗要彻底及术中术后要预防气颅的发生,可降低术后血肿复发率。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
