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The commercialized liquid ophthalmic formulation is eliminate from the precorneal area immediately upon instillation because of lacrimal secretion and nasolacrimal drainage. This results in very low ocular bioavailability. The problem can be conqurered by in situ gelling system for ophthalmic drug delivery.

一般市面用液体眼药制剂常因滴入眼睛时,受到经常性的泪液分泌及鼻泪管的快速排液,因此呈现很低的生体可用率,此缺点可用原位成胶(In-site gel formation)输送系统来加以改善。

It is suitable to calculate the quantities of subgrade protection and drainage project, especially in the draft design and predesign phase of the highway or railway.


The mean preoperative chest drainage was 8 days (range, 4 to 14 days).


Secondly, interpret the water-bearing status of drainage-base substance fromTM,according to the water-bearing spectral features,using GIS and RS technologies,based on thesurveying hydrologic data,and build up the projectional mathematical model of the Karstdrainage low-flow resource, in order to solve the calculation of the amount of low-flow resourcesin no documents and data regions.

二是以实测的水文数据为基础,利用 GIS 和 RS 技术,根据赋水光谱特征,从 TM 影像判读枯季流域下垫面物质赋水状况,建立喀斯特流域枯水资源预测的数学模型,用于解决无资料、无数据地区枯水资源量的计算。

A silicone punctum plug reduced tear drainage and relieved the symptoms of dry eye. This is a simple, safe and effective method for the treatment of dry eye and is worth adopting for large-scale use.


Results Gallbladder puncturation and internal jejunal drainage through stent has less operation duration and faster recovery of gastrointestinal tract recovery(P.01),less side effects(P.05),yet the jaund...


Var. pyramidalis is not positively correlated with ion concentration in growth environment, the capacity of selective absorption and transport of ions in Populus alba L. var. pyramidali under salt stress in drainage canal is higher than Populus alba L. var. pyramidal is of normal growth in irrigation canal. Under salt stress, the concentration of K(superscript +)、Na(superscript +) of roots and leave of Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis have changed, the concentration of K(superscript +) of roots and leave dropt the concentration of Na(superscript +) of roots markedly increased, the concentration of Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+) have slightly changed, the concentration of Ca(superscript 2+) of roots dropted, the concentration of Mg(superscript 2+) increased, the concentration of Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+) of leave increased.

主要结论为:新疆杨各器官的离子含量与生长环境中的离子浓度不存在正相关趋势;排渠盐胁迫下生长的新疆杨对离子选择吸收和运输的能力高于灌渠正常生长的新疆杨;盐胁迫下,新疆杨根和叶中K、Na的浓度发生了明显的变化,K浓度在根和叶中呈下降趋势,Na浓度在根中明显增加,根和叶中Ca(上标 2+)、Mg(上标 2+)浓度的变化趋势略缓,根中Ca(上标 2+)浓度下降,Mg(上标 2+)浓度增加,叶中Ca(上标 2+)、Mg(上标 2+)浓度有所上升。

Taking Populus alba L. var. pyramidalis in irrigation canal and drainage canal as an object of study, absorption, transport and distribution characters of K(superscript +), Na(superscript +), Ca(superscript 2+), Mg(superscript 2+) in Populus alba L.

论文以灌渠和排渠两种生境上的新疆杨为对象,研究自然生长状况下新疆杨Populus alba L。

From 'Pisuerga' winery the top quality of Cigales region.well drainage loam soil ,top with sand and clay underground made the vines to assimilate rainful smoothly, The vineyard sites benefit from altitudes exceeding 800m, resulting in long hot days in the ripeing season combined with cool night to 'rest' the vines.


The environmental transport of POPs in Dagu Drainage River selected as a typical example is reasonedly investigated in this article. Characteristics of sediment from DDR in Tianjin are analyzed. The mean value of TOC in sediments is as high as 8%, which is in favor of sorption POPs. The particle sizes of both suspended sediment and bottom sediment are mensurated by Malven Mastersizer. Silt accounts for about 60% in mass, while clay is about 10%. Particles of sediments belong to fine granule. Suspended sediment and bottom sediment mensurated by XRD mainly consist of quartz and illite, both account for 75.5% and 62.2%, respectively. The conformation of suspended sediment is very similar to bottom sediment from SEM photo.

采集自天津大沽排污河的底泥样品进行了特征分析:全河段底泥TOC含量较高,平均值约为8%,利于吸附POPs;Malven Mastersizer激光粒度仪测定了大沽排污河悬浮物和沉积物的粒径分布,结果表明主要以粉砂为主,占60%左右,其次为黏土,占30%左右,大沽排污河底泥颗粒属于细颗粒;悬浮物样品和表层沉积物样品经X射线衍射分析表明,石英和伊利石是大沽排污河底泥悬浮物及沉积物矿物的主要成分,两者之和分别占75.5%和62.2%;环境扫描电子显微镜结果表明,河流底泥悬浮物和沉积物的形态没有本质差别。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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