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- 与 double-entry system 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The breakthrough point of this thesis is to make use of newsvendor"s model to explain the behavior of double marginalization in the Specialization system with Specialization Advantage, which is not accordant with the statement of" double marginalization " in economics (see Tirole,"the theory of industrial organization, P222-230). On the condition of Specialization Advantage, double marginalization may play positive role in the economy of the system.
It showed that the blend system had much slower Rp than that of hybrid monomer, either of acrylate double bond or propenyl ether double bond, and propenyl ether double bond conversion of hybrid monomer was much higher than that of the blend system at the end.
To eliminate abnormity wear of tires in double-front-axle system of heavy truck, the kinematics and dynamics analysis method is set forth. On the base of the results for heavy double-front-axle truck load distributing and manipulate stability, tire uniformity load condition and deficiency steering characteristic condition of heavy double-front-axle truck are put forward. Steering trapezia space movement formula, double-swing-arm space movement formula and double-swing-arm movement formula in actual status of heavy double-front-axle truck are fetched. Optimization models of steering trapezia and double-swing-arm are founded and optimization arithmetics of transmission system in double-front-axle steering are compiled.
Mixture method and double injection system are applied to study the combustion of coal liquid fuel in a 1E150C type diesel engine.
Based on the analysis, the fermentation conditions of the cornstraw for constructing double yeasts system ...
The double - rapier system is accepted as existing when two rapiers enter the shed from the opposite sides.
The closing group with double toggle system,consisting of three platens connected by four tie-bars,is driven by hydraulic cylinder.
First, according to knowledge and theory about information theory, control theory, safety system engineering and manpower resource, a safety management model adapt to local coal mines is given. And then several sub-module in the model are discussed, including safety target management and duty tracing system, three-class hidden trouble exclusion and closed-loop safety information management system, safety and technology management system, accident analysis and prediction, safety culture and management of person with ability,"double foundation" construction, emergency and succor system, and management system that serves for safety production. Particularly two sub-module—safety management model" running mode and "double foundation construction are emphatically discussed here.
This paper deals mainly with (1)partition of Au and Ag in coexisting phases of lower maturity and high sulphur crude oil and aqueous solution;(2)mobilization and transport abilities of Au and Ag during the interaction of water,oil,and rock;(3)enrichment ability of Au by crude oil during oil generation and primary migration within double source system and under the experimental temperature and pressure.
Firstly, this paper discusses the development actuality of the research on double-front axle steering system and power-train of automobile. Based on the structure of the design experiences from others, the kinematics formula of double-front axle steering system is fetched, and the mathematical model of optimization design of double rocking arms mechanism and steering trapezium mechanism is established by space geometry method. Considering the difference between the real steering angle from wheels and the ideal steering angle from the ideal formula as the objective function, the optimization design method of double-front axle steering system is presented.
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Breath, muscle contraction of the buttocks; arch body, as far as possible to hold his head, right leg straight towards the ceiling (peg-leg knee in order to avoid muscle tension).
The cost of moving grain food products was unchanged from May, but year over year are up 8%.
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