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Obviously the cause of his death was over dosage of drugs since more than 10,000 doses of sedatives, amphetamines, and narcotics have been prescribed to him by his doctor.


Methods Neonate rats were irradiated with a single injection of 2 μl enriched*" 235 uranium( 235 U)into the lateral ventricle of the rat brain on the first day of life(less than 24 hours after birth)at doses of 0,1,5 and 10 μg of*" 235 U,respectively.

新生大鼠侧脑室注射 2 μl浓缩铀溶液后,多方位地观察不同浓度的2 35U对早期生长发育的影响,放射自显影示踪术观察脑内放射性核素行径定位。

The methods and results of measuring electron beam absorbed doses with the developed graphite and polystyrene-water calorimeters are given.


In Okinawa, Japan, over 900 centenarians enjoy healthy lifestyles with daily doses of fruit, vegetables and exercise.


Source of strophanthin which in in moderate doses is a ''.


Objective To study the effects of different doses of UVA1 on the development of hypertrophic scar in rabbit ears induced by excision of full-thickness skin.

目的 探讨不同剂量UVA1对全层皮肤缺损诱导的兔耳增生性瘢痕模型的影响情况。

In small doses it's alright, but if I want to get eyeshadow all over my clothes, I'll go see the Cure in concert.


In small doses it's alright, but if I want to get eyeshadow all over my clothes, I'll go see the Cure in concert.


A usual starting dose of 10 mg given three or four times daily increasing if necessary to a maximum of 20 mg given five times daily has been used. 2 However, some workers have recommended limiting the dose to 80 mg daily because of the increased risk of seizures with higher doses. 3 Adverse effects appear to be mainly mild and dose related, 1 although there is a report of cardiac arrest following toxicity. 4 Most patients have some form of paraesthesia up to 60 minutes after a dose. 1-3 Amifampridine can produce mild excitatory effects and some patients may have difficulty in sleeping.

阿通常开始10毫克剂量三,每天4次,如有需要,增加了20毫克,最高给予5倍每天已被使用。2然而,有些工人建议限制在80毫克剂量的增加,因为日常的风险与高剂量的发作。3不良影响似乎主要是轻微和剂量有关,1虽然有心脏停止跳动后中毒的报告。4大多数患者有某种程度的感觉异常形式的最多60分钟后剂量。1-3 Amifampridine可产生轻微的兴奋作用,有些病人可能有失眠。

The measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is given in two doses, as part of the national immunisation programme.


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Small Doses

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
