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Methods After injecting different doses of cephalosporins(100, 200, 300, 400μg) into vitreous body of rabbits, we studied the active change of retinal enzymes at different time and observed the histological and ultrastuctural changes of retinae.


Methods 16 adult female S-D mice with regular estrous cycles 4 days of were used in the experiment.Apigenin was fed by gavage to 8 mice in experimental group at doses of 10mg/100g.b.w in metestrus,and repurified water(2ml/mouse) were fed to 8 control rats.Two vaginal smears twice a day(8am,5pm)during on month, periodic variation of vagina epilhelial cell were observed for a whold month.


The drugs which had relationto mdrl and MRP shoud be put aside and other resistance mechnisms shouldbe considered.9.The middle doses of radiation had not remarkable effects to the resistancegene expression of mdrl and MRP in the living cells and recured cells.


Two doses of prednisone wouldn't do that.- Are you hanging your diagnosis on an adverb?


If you are being treated for a severe allergic reaction, you may be told to divide the day's Prednisone into two or more doses.

如果你正在为严格的过敏反应被对待,你可能被告诉把天的 Prednisone 分为二或较多的剂量。

When contacted by NutraIngredients-USA.com for information on pricing, prebiotic doses levels, and further production information, no-one from Beneo-Orafti was available for comment prior to publication.


Objective To investigate the effect and side-effect of mifepristone in small doses comparing C53contraceptive in postcoital contraception.

目的 探讨低剂量米非司酮配伍双炔失碳酯应用于紧急避孕的效果。

Objective To investigate the effect and side-effect of mifepristone in small doses comparing C53contraceptive in postcoital contraception.Methods 142women with normal menstruation were divided into two groups randomly.Observation group(n=66)were given mifepristone10mg and C53contraceptive5mg within72hours after unprotected intercourse or contraception failure.Control group(n=76)were given mifepristone with a sin-gle dose of10mg within72hours after unprotected intercourse or contraception failure.The effect side-effect and menstruation of the two group were compared.

目的 探讨低剂量米非司酮配伍双炔失碳酯应用于紧急避孕的效果方法将142例月经规律的合格妇女随机分 2组,观察组(66例)在避孕失败或无保护性性交后72h内开始服用米非司酮10mg+双炔失碳酯5mg,对照组(76例)在避孕失败或无保护性性交后72h内开始服用单剂量米非司酮10mg,观察两组避孕效果、不良反应及月经情况。

The mature plants of three varieties of Chinese Cymbidium, including Cymbidium ensifolium 'Tiegusu', Cymbidium ensifolium 'Shiba Xueshi' and Cymbidium sinense 'Changting', were irradiated by 60 Co γ-rays at different doses, and the irradiation effects of treated plumules, pseudo-bulbs, florescence and plant morphology were observed.


In conclusion, morphine, pethidine, and tramadolresulted in equivalent pain scores and side effects, but tramadolgroup T required more rescue analgesic doses of fentanyl.


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Small Doses

The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
