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与 doses 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Phenothiazine compounds should not be used in patients receiving large doses of hypnotics, and should be used, with caution in patients with a history of convulsive disorders, since grand mal convulsions have been known to occur.


Phenothiazine compounds should not be used in patients receiving large doses of hypnotics, and should be used, with caution in patients with a history of convulssive disorders, since grand mal convulsions have been known to occur.


Phenothiazine compounds should not be used in patients receiving large doses of hypnotics, and should be used, with caution in patients with a history of convulssive disorders, since grand mal convulsions have been known to occur.65i


With the increase of irradiation dose,the rates of slanting and creeping types of plant increased.80Gy irradiation was fit for leaves to keep green in winter than other applied doses.Phenotypic variation were observed in V_1 generation,including variance in height,average node length,diameter/height,leaf shape index,leaf area,blasted tips,biforked tips and phyllotaxis.

随着辐照剂量的增大,倾斜和匍匐生长的植株比例呈增加趋势。80 Gy处理有利于使植株的叶色在冬季仍保持绿色。V1代筛选出株高、平均节长、粗/长、叶形指数、叶面积以及枝条枯梢、分叉、叶序变化等性状的变异体。

The effects of combinations of iv physostigmine and ith morphine were more pronounced at early postoperative time. The potency of low dose combination was significantly greater than that of double doses of both drugs. The ﹪ MPE of the observed effects of all combinations was significantly higher than that of the expected additive effects.

结果:毒扁豆碱术后1~3 h静注导致﹪MPE明显提高;毒扁豆碱与吗啡的联合给药效应在术后早期更明显;小剂量联合给药的镇痛作用明显大于双倍剂量单独给药的镇痛作用;联合给药的测得效应值明显大于估计叠加效应值。

Ber at doses of 1-4 mg·〓 iv was shown to decrease dose-dependently the spectrum power of delta dominant frequency in cortical area and transfer the dominant freqency from delta to theta rhythm in hippocampus. Under the same conditions, the effects of physostigmine 0.1mg·〓 iv on EEG were similar to Ber.

Ber 〓能浓度依赖性地使清醒兔皮层区EEG持续出现低振幅快波,其主频率功率明显减少,并使海马区EEG出现持续且有规律的θ节律,Ber 〓iv使功率谱中δ、θ、α+β相对功率由对照组的43.1±9.3、28.0±4.0和26.1±6.3分别变为28.3±4.7、48.6±5.8(P.01)和22.6±7.2,海马区主频率从δ段右移至θ段,主频率功率明显减少。

So Garner, his student Fabian Fernandez, and their colleagues gae their mice either low doses of PTZ mixed with milk, or low-dose injections of picrotoxin or bilobalide, daily for two to four weeks to slightly raise the leel of excitation in the brain.

因此Garner,他的学生Fabian Fernandez,及他们同事为实验老鼠提供低剂量的戊四氮和牛奶混合或者低剂量的印防己毒提高大脑兴奋度。

Piperazine can be used in children from 3 months but needs to be taken in 2 doses, 2 weeks apart.

哌嗪,可用于儿童从3个月内,但需要采取在2剂, 2周,除了。

Other antiinflamatory and immunosuppressive therapies have been reported to show beneficial effect, such as plasmapheresis , high doses of intravenous immunoglobulin [30][31] , mitoxantrone and cyclophosphamide .

其他antiinflamatory和免疫疗法已报告显示有利的影响,如血浆置换术,高剂量的静脉注射丙种球蛋白 [ 30 ] [ 31 ] ,蒽醌和环磷酰胺。

Using the mechanism of the nuclear reaction of accelerated 7Li +3 ions with the inner target in mutant material i.e 1H( 7Li, 7Be)n, the biological effects were studied. The wheat seeds were irradiated with the doses ranged from 1.416×10 10 ions/cm 2 to 1.416×10 12 ions/cm 2. It was found that the cell membrane ruptured, the plasmolysis occurred, the nucleus shape changed.

将加速器7Li+ 3 离子束与生物体内遗传物质发生1H( 7Li,7Be)n内靶特征核反应诱发核酸分子结构变化的机制应用于生物诱变,辐照剂量在 1 41 6× 1 0 10 粒子 cm2 - 1 41 6× 1 0 12 粒子 cm2范围内处理的小麦,观察幼苗叶片细胞亚显微结构,发现离子束注入引起了细胞膜的破裂,细胞发生质壁分离,细胞核形状变得不规则等。

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Small Doses

It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
