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与 dose 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The dose of AAP in serum of patients were detemined and compared with that of control group.


Results The absolute dose error is controlled within 5%, and the mean error is 3.8%.


The goal of this study was to characterize varenicline's actions on nicotine's dose-dependent effects in abstinent smokers.


The radiation dose of photon was 40~50Gy and the dose of fast neutron was 8~12Gy.

光子照射剂量为40~50Gy,快中子照射剂量为8~12 Gy。

A similar dose comparator study, using another product, was reported in a neighboring poster by Ulrich Kleeberg, MD, from Haematologisch-Onkologische Praxis Altona, in Hamburg, Germany. This study compared epoetin beta at a dose of 30,000 IU once weekly with 10,000 IU given thrice weekly in 1458 patients. Most of these patients had solid tumors (371 had hematologic cancers) and were undergoing chemotherapy.

德国汉堡Praxis Altona城区Ulrich Kleeberg医师於另一项发表的壁报中,使用不同的药品,却得到相同的结果;这项研究针对1,458位病患比较红血球生成素贝他(NeoRecormon, Roche),以每周投予30,000单位、或每周三次10,000单位的疗效,这些病患绝大多数罹患固体肿瘤(其中371位罹患血液肿瘤),并且接受化学疗法。

A similar dose comparator study, using another product, was reported in a neighboring poster by Ulrich Kleeberg, MD, from Haematologisch-Onkologische Praxis Altona, in Hamburg, Germany. This study compared epoetin beta at a dose of 30,000 IU once weekly with 10,000 IU given thrice weekly in 1458 patients. Most of these patients had solid tumors (371 had hematologic cancers) and were undergoing chemotherapy.

德国汉堡Praxis Altona城区Ulrich Kleeberg医师于另一项发表的墙报中,使用不同的药品,却得到相同的结果;这项研究针对1,458位病患比较红血球生成素贝他(NeoRecormon, Roche),以每周投予30,000单位、或每周三次10,000单位的疗效,这些病患绝大多数罹患固体肿瘤(其中371位罹患血液肿瘤),并且接受化学疗法。

The dose of ATP needed to block the antegrade conduction of the AVN was obviously related to the antegrade and the antegrade ERP of the AVN. That is, the better the antegrade conduction and the shorter the antegrade ERP of the AVN, the larger the dose of ATP needed to block its antegrade conduction.


In the 30 d feeding test, no obvious toxic effects in clinical, blood examination and biochemical index examinations, organism weight and pathological studies were detected in rats with the dose of 6 g/kg,which is 200 times the clinical prescribed dose. CONCLUSION: Panax japonicus C.A.

在本实验条件下,复方竹节参胶囊可以通过急性毒性、微核试验、精子畸形试验、Ames实验和30 d喂养试验的毒理学安全性评价,未见明显毒性。

Methods: Twenty four SD rats were divided into four groups at radom ,contral group,small dose of astragalus membraneaceus group,large dose of astragalus membraneaceus group, acute lung injury group.


Dose 10 mg/kg, and 55-68% p.o. dose 100 mg/kg, i.v.

剂量为10 mg/kg)、小鼠的口服生物利用度为55–68%

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The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
Legend (Lethal Dose Remix)
A Creeping Dose
Dose Of Dopeness
Dose Of Thunder
A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll
Lethal Dose Of Love

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
