英语人>网络例句>dose 相关的网络例句
与 dose 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Still have, grow in its in development process, if discover blade is shown lilac produce curly phenomenon, show excess of nitrogenous fertilizer employ, answer right now decelerate little dose or extend fertilization time; And blade is shown virescent make clear devoid nitrogenous fertilizer again, answer to increase dose appropriately.


Initial laser dose was 12 mcal/cm2 (50 mJ/cm2) less than the minimal erythemal dose in vitiliginous skin, and fluences were increased by 12 mcal/cm2 at every second session.

起初的雷射剂量是12 mcalcm2(50 mJcm2),低於使用於白斑皮肤最低的引起红肿的剂量,而且每个接受隔次治疗时将剂量加到12 mcalcm2。

The highest dose of CERA showed the best effect in all groups,With a good dose-response pattern.


Blood-cooling and blood flow-promoting drugs has the effect of prevention and treatment for the early radiation-induced lung injury, Middle-dose and high -doses group were better than small-dose, however theres no difference between them. Suggest that using the adequate doses of blood-cooling and blood flow-promoting drugs would not enhance the effects of prevention and cure for radiation-induced lung injury if the doses of drugs were aggrandized.


Results: 1. The value of all experimental indexes decreased significantly after heat stress, and reached the lowest at the time 2-8 hours after heat stress. This indicates that the immunity of the mice is damaged to the largest extent at 2-8 hours after heat stress. 2. L-arginine supplementation with appropriate dose could remit the acute atrophying of thymus and spleen tissue caused by heat stress. 3. After L-arginine supplementation with appropriate dose, the lymphocyte proliferation, the level of concentration of IL-2 and * expression of IL-2R raised in the group with room temperature; in the heat stress group the level of three indexs decrease significantly. Furthermore, the decrease of the group given 1 .Smglg.bw L-arginine is the smallest. This result indicates that the concentration of 1 .Smglg.bw L-arginine supplementation could remit the depressment of the immunity caused by heat stress. 4. The [Ca2~] in activated thymocytes of the group with L-arginine -2- supplementation is significantly higher than that of the group with water supplementation. This indicates that L-arginine supplementation could protect thymoeytes of mouse under heat stress. We also found that the fluorescence intensity of [Ca2~] in activated thymocytes of the group given 1 .Smglg.bw L-arginine is the highest.


In patients with acute PE, if IV UFH is chosen, we recommend that after an initial IV bolus (80 U/kg or 5,000 U), it is administered by continuous infusion (initially at dose of 18 U/kg/h or 1,300 U/h) with dose adjustment to achieve and maintain an APTT prolongation that corresponds to plasma heparin levels of 0.3 to 0.7 IU/mL anti-Xa activity by the amidolytic assay rather than administration as IV boluses throughout treatment, or administration without coagulation monitoring (Grade 1C).

急性PE患者,如果选择IV UFH,我们推荐初始快速注射80U/kg或者5000U,继之以18 U/kg/h 或 1,300 U/h持续静滴。根据APTT延长,或者监测血浆肝素水平在0.3'0.7IU/ml, amidolytic assay 分析抗Xa因子活性来调整UFH剂量,而不能持续静脉注射治疗,或者不监测凝血功能(1C)。

Methods Forty mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: one normal control group,mice in the other three groups were all infected each with 25 cercariae, the infected control group was fed for 10 weeks after infection, and 2 weeks after infection, the high dose PTX group was given PTX 360 mg/ for 8 weeks and the low dose PTX group was given PTX 180 mg/also for 8 weeks.

将40只小鼠随机分为4组,其中3组每只小鼠人工感染日本血吸虫尾蚴25条,1组感染后继续喂养10周,不作治疗,作为感染对照组;2组分别于感染后2周用PTX 360 mg/和180 mg/灌胃治疗8周;另1组不感染、也不接受药物治疗,与上述3组同步喂养10周,作为正常对照组。10周后将上述4组小鼠分别剖杀取肝组织,光镜观察肝组织病变;用免疫组化染色方法检测小鼠肝组织中Bcl-2、Bax的水平。

Results:weijian obviously shortened the latent period of erection in castrational rats after electric stimulus and the latent period of coitus in castrational mice,increased coitus times in castrational mice,increased the appearance rate of sperm suppository in copulated female mice. the acute toxicity tests showed that the half lethal dose(ld50) of weijian was 901.53 mg/kg and 319.60 mg/kg, the long-term toxicity tests showed that large dose of weijian slightly increased the level of glutamic pyruvic transaminase and decreased the glucose,triglyceride and cholesterol of blood, while had no effects on other biochemical factors.

结果: 伟剑能明显缩短去睾丸大鼠的电刺激阴茎勃起潜伏期,明显缩短去睾丸小鼠的性交潜伏期,并增加去睾丸小鼠的性交次数,增加交配后雌性小鼠的精栓出现率;急性毒性试验测得伟剑的口服半数致死量(ld50)为901.53 mg/kg,腹腔注射的ld50为319.60 mg/kg;长期毒性试验研究表明该药在大剂量时可轻度升高谷丙转氨酶,轻度降低血糖、总胆红素及胆固醇,而对其他血液生化指标无影响。

On the other hand, the intensity of ultrasound stated, percutem transit dose of drug could be increased along with the time at the range of 10 min to 30 min. However, if it was given ultrasound over 40min, percutem transit dose of drug would be reduced significantly. Therefore, it was supposed that skin temperature was increased during a long time of ultrasound, and the skin would be damnified.


Internal dose ones and external dose ones are concluded.(2) Biomarker of effect. It indicates those indicaters inflecting the biochemical, biophysical, behavioral, or else changes. Three types of biomarkers, early biological effect, altered structure / functon and disease, are comprised.

生物标志物是包括反映生物系统与环境中化学、物理或生物因素之间相互作用的任何测定指标,可将其分为三类:(1)接触的生物标志物,即反映机体生物材料中外源性物质或其代谢物或外源性物质与某些靶细胞或靶分子相互作用产物的含量,包括反映内剂量和生物效应剂量两类标志物;(2)效应的生物标志物,指机体中可测出的生化、生理、行为或其他改变的指标,包括反映早期生物效应、结构和功能改变(altered structure/functon)及疾病3类标志物;(3)易感性的生物标志物,即反映机体先天具有或后天获得的对接触外源性物质产生反应能力的指标。

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The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
Legend (Lethal Dose Remix)
A Creeping Dose
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Dose Of Thunder
A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll
Lethal Dose Of Love

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
