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与 dose 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Physiological Responses of Hybrid Striped Bass to Aqueous Copper copper is an abundant trace metal, and although essential at low levels, it is also potentially toxic to aquatic organisms.Mechanisms of toxicity and consequences of exposure vary depending on ionoregulatory status(acclimated to freshwater or salt water).The goal of this research was to examine the responses of hybrid striped bass(Morone chrysopsXMorone saxatilis)exposed to Cu in freshwater and 15g/L salt water.In freshwater,a general dose-and time-dependent pattern of increasing Cu accumulation in gill tissue was evident in fish exposed to aqueous Cu(220 and 447 mg/L)for up to 96 hours.The 96-horu acute median lethal concentration for freshwater-acclimated hybrid striped bass exposed to Cu was 94mg/L(confidence interval=62 to 144mg/L).

生理反应到水的混合条纹鲈鱼铜是一个丰富的微量金属,虽然至关重要,它是在较低的水平也可能对水生生物有毒毒性机制及其后果的曝光取决于ionoregulatory状态,本研究的主要目的是为了检查的反应chrysopsXMorone混合条纹鲈鱼暴露于铜在淡水和15 / L盐水在淡水,一般dose-and时变模式日益增长的铜积累鱼鳃组织显然暴露于含水的铜(220和447毫克/升)长达96小时96-horu致命的平均浓度为freshwater-acclimated急性混合条纹鲈鱼暴露于铜被94mg / L(=置信区间来144mg / L)62 osmolatity、钠浓度降低。

Result:As compared with the model group, the effect of small dose group and middle dose group of osteopractic total flavone on TBV% of shankbone increased significantly; the effect of small dose group and middle dose group of osteopractic total flavone on TRS% of shankbone reduced significantly and TFS%, AFS%, MAR, BFR of shankbone reduced obviously; the effect of middle dose group of osteopractic total flavone on OSW and mAR reduced obviously, the effect of small dose group of osteopractic total flavone on them had the tendency of reducing, but there was no statistical significance.

结果 :对胫骨骨小梁体积百分比的影响,与模型组比较,骨碎补总黄酮小剂量组和中剂量组的TBV %明显增高;对胫骨骨小梁吸收表面百分比的影响,与模型组比较,骨碎补总黄酮小剂量组、中剂量组的TRS %显著降低;对胫骨骨小梁形成表面百分比,活性生成表面百分比,骨小梁矿化率和骨小梁骨生成率的影响,骨碎补总黄酮小剂量组、中剂量组的TFS %,AFS %,MAR ,BFR较模型组皆明显降低;对胫骨类骨质平均宽度和骨皮质矿化率的影响,骨碎补总黄酮中剂量组的OSW和mAR与模型组比较,明显降低;骨碎补总黄酮小剂量组与之相比,有下降的趋势,但无统计学意义。

RESULTS:After pinealectomized mice was irradiated WBI with 75 mGy X-rays,we found levels of plasma corticosterone increased obviously,and the effects of the proliferative reaction of splenocytes to ConA and spontaneous proliferation of thymocytes was found to be decrease. But injecting melatonin into pinealectomized mice or putting melatonin in the cultured cell,its immune functions might renew the enhancement.CONCLUSION:Melatonin of pineal gland might regulate the immunoenhancement induced by low dose radiation.MeSH Pineal body; Melatonin; Radiation; Corticosterone; Immunity,cellular

低剂量辐射(low dose radiation,LDR)全身照射(whole body irradiation,WBI)可引起免疫系统的兴奋效应,主要表现在以T淋巴细胞功能激活为主的细胞免疫和体液免疫功能的增强并可提高机体的抗瘤作用[4,5],在LDR诱发免疫功能增强的同时伴有下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质系统功能下调等神经内分泌功能的改变,神经内分泌对免疫系统的调节可能是LDR免疫兴奋效应发生的必要条件,松果腺MLT与辐射免疫兴奋效应的关系值得研究。

Methods Ponceau 4R was administrated orally to different groups of Drosophila melanogaster, Median lethal dose (LC50) was estimated by acute toxicity test; lifespan was tested by drosophila survival experiment; superoxide dismutase and maleic diadehyde were evaluated at different periods.

方法经口喂饲果蝇不同浓度胭脂红,通过急性毒性试验测定胭脂红半数致死浓度(median lethal dose,LC50),采用生存试验检测果蝇寿命,测定不同时间果蝇体内总超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性及丙二醛(maleic dialdehyde,MDA)含量。

LAVG , Dose, and TWA but does not affect the instantaneous sound level.

到LAVG ,Dose 和TWA 的读数,但是对瞬间音量没有影响。

Compared with control,①the mean tumor weight of H22 of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly(P.01,P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 30%;②the mean tumor weight of S180 of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly(P.01),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 32%;③the mean tumor weight of EAC of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly ( P.01, P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20 g/kg dose groups were above 38%;④the mean tumor weight of Lewis carcinoma of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly(P.01, P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10、5 g/kg dose groups were above 36%;⑤the mean tumor weight of W256 of SXKA Granules three dose groups were decreased significantly ( P.01, P.05),and the mean inhibition rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 32%;⑵Compared with control,SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups had extended the survial time of the P388-bearing mice respectively(P.01),and the mean prolong rates of SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups were above 50%;⑶Compared with S180-bearing group, SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups could increase the weight of thymus and spleen, Spleen index and thymus index were increased, SXKA Granules 5 g/kg dose group could increase thymus index(P.05);⑷As Compared with control group, SXKA Granules 20、10 g/kg dose groups could improve mouse serum half hemolysis value depressed by transplanted tumor dramatically(P.01), which revealed the SXKA granules could improve the mouse humoral immunity system;⑸SXKA Granules 20 g/kg dose group could increase of englobe indexαon S180-bearing mice remarkably(P.01), which indicated the SXKA Granules could improve their cellular immunity system.

对荷W256大鼠,生兴克癌冲剂20、10、5 g / kg三组的平均瘤重明显低于对照组(P.01,P.05),生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g / kg组的平均肿瘤抑制率均大于32 %;⑵与空白对照组相比,生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g/ kg能显著地延长移植小鼠白血病P388小鼠的存活天数(P.01),生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g/ kg对荷白血病P388小鼠生命延长率均在50%以上;⑶与S180荷瘤组相比,生兴克癌冲剂对荷瘤鼠的免疫器官重量、胸腺指数和脾指数有一定的提高趋势,其中生兴克癌冲剂5 g / kg组对荷瘤小鼠的胸腺指数有一定的提高作用(P.05);⑷与S180荷瘤组相比,生兴克癌冲剂20、10 g /kg组可提高由荷瘤引起的小鼠血清半数溶血素值的降低(P.01),表明其可提高荷瘤小鼠体液免疫功能;⑸与对照组相比,生兴克癌冲剂20 g /kg组可提高荷S180肉瘤小鼠的免疫吞噬系数α值(P.01),表明其可提高荷瘤小鼠细胞免疫功能。

As compared to thermoluminescent dosimeter, Dose Ace radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter had more advantages in clinical dose measurement, such as repeatability, suitability, stability, and small effective area. We postulate that radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter is one of the most useful radiation dose measurement tools in the future.

Dose Ace系统玻璃剂量计与热发光剂量计相较之下,玻璃剂量计具有好的计读值再现性、稳定性、小的有效测读区域、且可重复测读;因此可预见玻璃剂量计在辐射剂量测量方面将占有极重要的地位。

The thermoluminescent dosimeters are widely used for measuring the radiation dose. However, the luminescence centers of thermoluminescent dosimeter are disappeared by reading process, and then repetition of measurement is impossible. Radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeters can be repeatedly read and keep the luminescence centers for a long time. The aims of this study are to develop and characterize the radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter and measure the clinical radiation dose using Dose Ace system.

热发光剂量计广泛应用於辐射剂量的测量,其缺点为在计读过程中,发光讯号会消失不见,无法重复测读,而玻璃剂量计发光讯号不会因计读过程消失,可重复测读;本研究目的为进行试制玻璃剂量计,分析所试制玻璃剂量计的各项特性,亦使用商业化Dose Ace系统量测临床辐射剂量。

The dose enhancement effects and decreasing effects caused by material inhomogeneity were studied quantitatively with a parameter named Dose Perturbation Factor, which was the ratio of the dose at a point in the heterogeneous phantom to the dose of the same spatial location point in the homogeneous phantom. It was showed that the degrees of the dose enhancement or decreasing depended on the energy of radiation, field sizes of the beamlets and compositions of the media. The dose perturbation for high energy X rays is greater than that for low energy X rays. At the same energy condition, the dose perturbation decreased when the field size increased. And the relationship between them was not linear.


Methods 42 cases mature neonate with MSCT scanning in lung were collected and randomly divided into three groups averagely. The tube current was 50 mAs and 30 mAs for low dose scanning and 200 mAs for routine dose. The CT value of region of interesting and standard deviation were measured in the aorta that region of carina of trachea. And compared the noise, image quality, CT dose index and dose length product between two low-dose scannings and routine dose.

42例足月新生儿随机等分成3组分别行低剂量30mAs、50mAs及常规剂量200m AsMSCT胸部扫描,统一于气管分叉处测量并记录主动脉CT值及标准差,比较两低剂量扫描与常规剂量扫描的噪声、图像质量、CT剂量指数和剂量长度乘积等差别。

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The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
Legend (Lethal Dose Remix)
A Creeping Dose
Dose Of Dopeness
Dose Of Thunder
A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll
Lethal Dose Of Love

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
