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done with相关的网络例句

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I'll never stop I don't know, will you believe me After all is said and done All the lies, how I regret them baby Now, I am the loser And you're shining like the sun Tell me why can't I still be the one, alright I will never stop Until you're mine I can wait forever, till the end of time Cause my heart is in your hands Don't you understand I'll never stop I'll never stop How could I ever When my heart is in your hands And I know, baby there is no turning back They say that I'm crazy And I kind of understand How I wish for this nightmare to end Oh yes I will never stop Until you're mine I can wait forever, till the end of time Cause my heart is in your hands Don't you understand I'll never stop I'll never stop Ooh ooh, ooh ooh, ooh oohooh Do you believe me, when my heart is in your hands Don't you understand I'll never stop I will never stop Till the end of time Heart is in your hands I'll never stop Until you're mine I can wait forever, till the end of time Cause my heart is in your hands Don't you understand I'll never stop ..

我将从不停下来我不知道,你将相信我终归被说和做所有谎话,如何我惋惜他们婴儿现在,我是输者同时,你发光像太阳一样告诉我为什么我仍然不能是一,alright 我将从不停下来直到你是我的我永远能等待,直到时间的末端原因我的心在你的手中你不要理解我将从不停下来我将从不停下来如何能我曾经当我的心在你的手中时同时,我知道,婴儿没有往回旋转他们说我是疯狂的同时,我理解的种类我如何希望这恶梦结束啊是我将从不停下来直到你是我的我永远能等待,直到时间的末端原因我的心在你的手中你不要理解我将从不停下来我将从不停下来 Ooh ooh,ooh ooh,ooh oohooh 做当我的心在你的手中时,你相信我,你不要理解我将从不停下来我将从不停下来直到时间的末端我将从不停下来直到你是我的我永远能等待,直到时间的末端原因我的心在你的手中你不要理解我将从不停下来。。

After all that i've done.


Can nothing be done to shut him up?The after-dinner speaker was droning on and on and on, boring everyone to tears.


All the calculations are done with maximum thrust available used also, with the engine in full afterburner.


Anyway, after getting a tattoo done you should know some aftercare tips that cannot be ignored.


If this explanation has done the poet justice, it may yet be asked whether it has exhausted the implications of the myth; and now we see that the poet's entire conception was nothing more nor less than the luminous afterimage which kind nature provides our eyes after a look into the abyss.


Afterword, Aggelonitis acknowledged more work is needed to be done by the Province to protect new immigrants.


Feel helpless; against one's will; be at the end of one's resources; become unable to do anything with; be reluctant to; have no alternative; have no way out; Nothing can be done.; There is no help for it.; willy-nilly


We worked against the clock all day to get that report done by five.


We worked against the clock all day in order to get that report done by five.


第60/1584页 首页 < ... 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 ... > 尾页
Dunn, Dunn
Married And Done
Triumph (Already Done)
Look What I've Done
Home Run
I'm Done
Till We Get The Healing Done
Done With Her

All things being equal, I prefer not to be bouncing off the walls.


It's true, the GTR demonstrated that E most definitely doesn't equal MC squared. How else can a car with 1700KG appear to be so lithe and nimble, so fast and manoeuvrable?

还真别不信, GTR带着1700公斤的车重,却有如此灵活敏锐梦幻般的操控表现似乎在跟爱因斯坦争论着E根本不等于MC的平方。

When pulverized coal dust at the MEC was dispersed in an entry, a cap lamp 10-feet within the cloud was not visible to observers standing in front of the dispersed dust.
