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与 dominions 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It consisted of a ast number of protectorates, Crown colonies, spheres of influence, and self-goerning dominions.


It consisted ofa vast number of protectorates, Crown colonies, spheres of influence, andself-governing dominions.


By 1900, Britain had built up a big empire,"on which the sun never set". It consisted of a vast number of protectorates, Crown colonies, spheres of influence, and self-governing dominions. It included 25% of the world's population and area.


But as soon as it grew dusk in the Evening, I chang'd my Course, and steer'd directly South and by East, bending my Course a little toward the East, that I might keep in with the Shoar; and having a fair fresh Gale of Wind, and a smooth quiet Sea, I made such Sail that I believe by the next Day at Three a Clock in the Afternoon, when I first made the Land, I could not be less than 150 Miles South of Sallee; quite beyond the Emperor of Morocco's Dominions, or indeed of any other King thereabouts, for we saw no People.


Under subjective and objective elements, Britain firstly gave these rights to their own owner and, later, defined by law. The Balfour Report passed in 1926 stated that the dominions and the United Kingdom were autonomous communities within the Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

在主、客观因素的作用下,英国 I 先将自治领的内政外交等权力逐步交还给本该拥有它的主人,后来又将这些权力以宪法和法律的形式确认下来。1926年的&贝尔弗报告&规定:自治领和英国同为帝国内的&自治实体&,地位平等,彼此互不隶属,并以&共同效忠英王&联系在一起,是英联邦内自愿结合的成员国。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
