英语人>网络例句>do away with 相关的网络例句
do away with相关的网络例句

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与 do away with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, they cannot do anything they like and get away with it.


Do you think you can get away with it?


He can do no wrong in the manager's opinion, and so the thinks he can get away with murder.


Additionally, I will keep well over 99% of my net worth in Berkshire. My wife and I have never sold a share nor do we intend to. Charlie and I are disgusted by the situation, so common in the last few years, in which shareholders have suffered billions in losses while the CEOs, promoters, and other higher-ups who fathered these disasters have walked away with extraordinary wealth. Indeed, many of these people were urging investors to buy shares while concurrently dumping their own, sometimes using methods that hid their actions. To their shame, these business leaders view shareholders as patsies, not partners.

此外,我也将继续将个人 99%以上的身家财产摆在 Berkshire 上面,我和我内人过去从来就没有卖过任何 Berkshire 的股份,而且以后也没有打算要卖,查理跟我对于近年来,许多让公司亏损累累的经理人与公司高层,竟然能够带着丰厚的利润弃股东们扬长而去感到相当不耻,这些人在公开场合鼓励投资人高价买进公司股份的同时,自己却暗中将股票倒到市场上,这些可耻的企业领导人简直把股东当作是自己的禁脔而非伙伴。

Additionally, I will keep well over 99% of my net worth in Berkshire. My wife and I have never sold a share nor do we intend to. Charlie and I are disgusted by the situation, so common in the last few years, in which shareholders have suffered billions in losses while the CEOs, promoters, and other higher-ups who fathered these disasters have walked away with extraordinary wealth. Indeed, many of these people were urging investors to buy shares while concurrently dumping their own, sometimes using methods that hid their actions. To their shame, these business leaders view shareholders as patsies, not partners.

此外,我也将继续将个人 99%以上的身家财产摆在伯克希尔上面,我和我内人过去从来就没有卖过任何伯克希尔的股份,而且以后也没有打算要卖,查理跟我对于近年来,许多让公司亏损累累的经理人与公司高层,竟然能够带着丰厚的利润弃股东们扬长而去感到相当不耻,这些人在公开场合鼓励投资人高价买进公司股份的同时,自己却暗中将股票倒到市场上,这些可耻的企业领导人简直把股东当作是自己的禁脔而非伙伴。

Wretched of the smiling black beard, white beard no such helplessness, knife Kanxiang black beard, said that the Navy wanted me Banzhang Lian, I have killed a great general, today I use the other side of the face to your life, black beard Shemale subordinates bomb away with the chest that Daoqi, black-bearded giant Ka Buda men shot, but was stopped Kapur, saying that the child you are rusty in prison, and let me do you, audience shocked, card Poor's anger into energy and a punch in the Ka Buda's eyes, eyes fell initially, but soon black-bearded men of the magician-based bar bang is heard, Ka Buda has sprouted eyes, black beard, a sinister smile.


Mandolin boat Swing in the moon Shepherd and Mary I understand, life is today See you next week Sunny Tuesday You were my story I understand, life is too funny I don't know why I sigh Love was to entertain I don't know, follow me Till the moonlight fades away Fades away, woo The silence' on fire, and you stay with me Never know, never speak We shut the door behind Counting matches How warm is here You are my glory I wish to say, you were to save me I don't know why I sigh Love was to entertain I don't know what to do Kiss my heart and sing me a song woo, woo The silence' on fire and you stay with me La la la I still…I think we can sail away We can sail away if we have the sea Lonely star And I wish you were here to stay with me Never stay I sing a song of how you sang with me Let it be Cannot recall the boat beneath the sun La la la And I can say you made me silent


They look like running away with their title and are keen to win this trophy after watching AC Milan do that against us last season.


They look like running away with their title and are keen to winthis trophy after watching AC Milan do that against us last season.


Ms. Le Guin said."Why do they think they can violate my copyright and get away with it?"

Le Guin女士说&为什么他们认为自己可以侵犯我的版权,并逃脱了?&

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
