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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We developed the Penna model to record the information of ancestor in the process of individual\'s evolution. Besides, both of the entropies of blood relationship and genetic diversity are defined.


Therefore, he was awarded the Nobel Literature Prize for "his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world today."


With the development of the technology and the diversity of the mass media, advertisement has influenced us pervasively in our daily life.


Put the individual diversity and following behavior into account, with phototaxis and following behavior of two evacuation model parameter, produce the Ant Colony Algorithm Mathematical Model of High buildings pedestrian evacuation.


The body length has great individual diversity normally ranged from 25-60 cm, It also shows strong phototaxy. One lamp can trap more than 2 000 of them per night. Female imago has a large egg load with the maximum amount of 543. The eggs hatching is in depth of 1-3 cm soil. The dominant hatching period of egg is from late June to early July, and hatchability is over 85%. The living space of larva ranges from 15-60 cm in soil.

成虫个体差异大,体长25~63 cm;趋光性强,1个诱集点每晚可以诱集成虫2 000多头;雌成虫抱卵量大,最多达543粒,成虫产卵于1~3 cm深土中,卵孵化盛期为6月下旬~7月上旬,孵化率达85%以上,幼虫在15~60 cm土层内取食危害。

The environmental requirement for plants and the successional trend of vegetation can be further understood by means of researching the regularity and diversity of phyllotaxy, besides, some auxiliary resources would be added in respect of the plant taxonomy and ecological conservation.


The objectives of this study are to explore Polycarpa species diversity in Taiwan and to infer their molecular phylogeny.


Richness, diversity, spontaneity, and value dimensions exist within nature that elude the categories of the physical scientist but that are immediately experienced in human interaction with nature.


Altitude and groundwater level had significant effect on plant species diversity in piedmont plain.


Our results showed that the genetic diversity of Plateau Pika was relatively high and there were much larger deviations among populations based on Cyt b gene than those base...


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
