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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By stepwise regression analysis, it shows that there are several vegetation factors, which are grasses height diversity, grasses species number, gompositae dominance degree, gramineae dominance degree and other grasses dominance degree affect the species and numbers of orthopteran.


Wuqi ; Orthopteran ; Community diversity ; Edge effect; Seasonal change


Their objectives have diversity and complexity due to its otherness of responsibility,assignment and function.


To solve the problem, outbreeding strategy and dynamic fitness function strategy: outbreed and timely change standard of evaluating individuals were proposed to increase diversity and select excellent individuals; The experiments showed that the performance of traditional GEP is effectively improved by the combination of OBS and DFFS. The average fitness for the best individual is increased by 7%~14%, the maximal fitness is increased by over 7%, and the success rate is increased by over 30%.


The study focuses on "value diversity", and explores it step by step with a route of "Review -Rethink and Criticism -Construction and Transcendence -Application"From a historical perspective, the study reviews and summarizes western educational evaluation theories and technology development, describes evaluation methods of so-called first three generations evaluation methods, and analyzes historical critique of them, including their failure to accommodate value-pluralism, a tendency towards managerialism, and the overcommitment to the scientific paradigm of inquiry; and then further points out that the fourth generation evaluation methods can be introduced for their effective response to problems of value-pluralism. The study focuses on the characteristics and ideology of the fourth generation evaluation theory; based on which, the research work investigates the social and cultural foundations of education evaluation theory and technology formation development from the dimension of the evolution of values foundation, the impact of social ideology and methodology conversion.


The overgrowth of population determines the rapidity of construction and diversity of residential buildings.


This equality of rights does not overshadow the diversity of species and of individuals.


The present study investigatated the effect on the diversification of weed community, including weed abundance, dominance, evenness, biomass, and mean height after mulching straw and intercropping white clover in the tea plantation from 2005 to 2006. The results were as follows: 16 families and 31 species were found in total. In April, the dominant species characterized with slow growth, lower biomass, and less than 30 cm height; in July those who grow faster with higher biomass and height became dominant; In September, these malignant communities reduced, while the oxalis and diffusa characterized with lower biomass and low height gradually increased. In the three seasons, the weed abundance, community diversity and evenness increased, and the dominance, the biomass and average height of weeds remarkably reduced after intercropping white clover and muching straw.

结果表明:茶园共有杂草16科31属31种,春季(4月)以生长速度较慢、生物量小、株高在30 cm以下的杂草为主,夏季(7月)以生长快、植株高和生物量大恶性杂草为主,秋季(9月)恶性杂草开始减少,酢浆草、白花蛇舌草等生物量小、株高矮的杂草逐渐增多;稻草覆盖处理茶园春、夏和秋季3个观测时期杂草物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度等指数均高于清耕对照,优势集中性指数低于清耕对照;间种白三叶草处理春、夏和秋季3个观测时期杂草总数量和生物量均显著低于清耕对照,夏、秋季杂草平均株高显著低于清耕对照;稻草覆盖和间种白三叶草处理春季茶芽重和产量显著高于清耕对照,鲜叶中游离氨基酸含量高于清耕对照,茶叶感官评审得分高于清耕对照处理。

Mycorrhizal spores in most rhizospheric soil of weed species, except Vida cracca, TrfoHum npens and Oxalis cornculata, decreased significantly. 2 Influence of coexisting of various plant species on AMF colonization in Pb polluted soil Comparing with monoculture,the results showed mat diversity did not affect on die AMF colonization of weed plants planted in soil at the concentration (334.5251mg/kgsoil or nonpolluted soilsignificandy.In the experiment of species combination with Trfolium repens, Lolium perenne, Poa annua, Plan tago virginica, the infection rate of all species increased in Pb treatment except Poa annua, implying that diversified plant species coexistence may alleviate the impacts of Pb on mycorrhizal colonization.


Environmental changes in the Swan Oxbow of the Yangtze River in China in the last 3 decades have been documented by morphological diversity, ecological characteristics and assemblages of testate amoebae, combined with pigment data.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
