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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The local decision space partitioning is given in the sense of maximum Bhattacharyya distance criterion. The optimality and the non-triviality of the partitioning scheme are proved. The reasonability of using Bhattacharyya distance as partitioning criterion is analyzed. The simulation results show that the partitioning method based on Bhattacharyya distance criterion is superior to that based on J-diversity criterion.

研究了基于 Bhattacharyya 距离准则的决策空间优化划分问题,求出了在 Bhattacharyya 距离最大意义下的决策空间划分方法,证明了这种决策空间划分方法的最优性和非退化性,分析了选择 Bhattacharyya 距离作为划分准则的合理性,并进行了计算机仿真比较,结果表明基于 Bhattacharyya 距离准则的决策空间优化划分优于基于最大 J-散度准则的决策空间划分。

Through analysis of SWOT, the thesis considers comprehensively various internal and external factors in the enterprise to set up the strategy-development base point of Continent Bridge桟ore Ability: the operating resource of exchange load, storage, load and unload service, which are center around the transportation of the new Asia-Euro Continent Bridge, is the core of the Groups activities; annual freight-passing capacity is increasing in Ala mountain pass, so it has the porfs advantage; funds is abundant in Continent Bridge Group; the diversity industry that makes North-Xinjiang as brand has certain reputation domestically and abroad.


Three levels of organization: genetic, organismal, and ecological diversity.


The strength and diversity we built under the early years of the Action Agenda enabled us last year to acquire Organon BioSciences N.V.

的强度和多样性,我们建造的最初几年的工作纲领,使我们去年收购Organon BioSciences所公司,荷兰,开始了重要和激动人心的篇章在我们公司的转变。

The diversity of the team highlights the core vision of our practice: to create a new paradigm in the world of Visual Designing with our originative ideas echoing with the call of globalization.


objective to discover the therapeutic effect on herpes zoster treated by orpiment and earthworm in compound tinclura.methods oet was externally used on 43 cases in treatment group,phthiobuzonum liniment and 1% chinese goldthread calamine lotion were externally used on 41 cases in control group,and in addtion the two groups were intravenous injected by drip acyclovir 500mg qd.results the comparison of observation index between the two groups had diversity on significance of statistics(p<0.01 or p<0.05).conclusion oet external used on herpes zoster patient get a better curative effect.

目的 观察复方雄黄地龙酊治疗带状疱疹的疗效。方法治疗组43例外用oet,而对照组41例外用酞丁安搽剂和1%黄连炉甘石洗剂,两组均静滴阿昔洛韦500mg,每日1次。结果两组在观察指标(止痛、止疱、结痂、痊愈、后遗神经痛发生率)的比较中,差异有统计学意义(p<0.01或p<0.05)。结论外用复方雄黄地龙酊治疗带状疱疹,效果良好。复方雄黄地龙酊;带状疱疹

A network coding based transmission scheme is proposed for multi-antennas based uplink wireless relay networks. Performance is evaluated from the perspective of ergodic capacity and outage probability, and is compared with ordinary receive diversity scheme and orthogonal space time coding scheme.


Receiver diversity for Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system in high-speed wireless data transmission is investigated.


The paper studies mostly: the community structure of Orthoptera, fauna analysis, species diversity, similarity of insect community in different habitats, the analysis of ecological species group, and the origin and evolution of insect and plant community in Daqinggou Nature Reserve.


Structure of orthopteran communities,correlations between vegetation factors,and orthopteran communities characters in ecologically restored area of Shaanxi Wuqi were studied by means of diversity index, principal component analysis and stepwise regression.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
