英语人>网络例句>diversity 相关的网络例句

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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most species belong to Indian-West Pacific tropical fauna. The dominant groups are Mollusca and Annelida. The average biomass, density and diversity of macrobenthos were 1043.37 g/m^2, 692.37 Ind/m^2 and 5.5228 respectively.

优势类群是软体动物和节肢动物,底栖生物的平均生物量、栖息密度和多样性指数分别是1043.37 g/平方公尺、692.37个/平方公尺和5.5228。

Mactra veneriformis belongs to Mollusca, Lamellibranchia, Evlame vibranchia, Heterodata, Mactride. It is a kind of economic bivalves, which is normally restricted to the areas of the coasts in China. Some reports about the genetic diversity of some kinds of bivalves have been seen in some articles but have none about Mactra mactra.


There were no reports on medical molluscan diversity, distribution and its parasites in Beijing region for more than thirty years.


In this study, the authors list thirty-two families, approximating to 300 species, of land mollusk from Taiwan. Many of them have not been discovered and described until recent years, revealing the investigation potential of the land molluscan diversity of Taiwan.

本研究中,作者共整理报告 32 科约 300 种台湾产的陆生软体动物,其中许多种类为近年新发现之新物种,显示台湾的陆生软体动物多样性仍有广大探索空间。

On the other hand, alien species, which may be harmfulto crops, is a vital issue concerning pest control in agriculture. In addition, it still remains further study whether the competitive exclusion effect caused by invasive land mollusks endangers the endemic land molluscan diversity of Taiwan.


The mutual coupling effects between the BS diversity antennas are analyzed using the Method of Moments in this thesis.


A 25μL solution with genomic DNA 25ng/μL, MgCl_2 1.5mmol/L, dNTPs 0.1mmol/L, random primer 0.1μmol/L, 1U TaqDNA polymerase would be optimum for the amplification reaction. A high reproducibility was obtained with the optimized experiment conditions. The results of the genetic diversity among M. Mongolic, M. macrocopa and their s...


It played an important role in the phylogeny of monocotyledon and the plants with reticulate vein. The haplotypes of trnL-F and atpB-rbcL noncoding regions of cpDNA were analysed to infer phylogeography and the history of speciation, and the possible refugia of Croomia. ISSR markers were used to study the level and patterns of genetic diversity of Croomia.


Firstly, by analyzing the development market economy, the diversity of the social structure, the universality and spread of the democracy thought, the construction of the monocracy system, it thinks that the social condition to develop the limited government has been provided with currently.


They see globalization as being the spread of a monoculture, based on Western values, which is killing the cultural diversity of the world.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
