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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Immune function is a essential activity of white blood cells. It was puzzled for the diversity and complexity of immune response. Polarized immune response of immune cells was discovered 30 years ago, which facilitates the study on differentiation of lymphocyte. Recently recognition on multifunctional polarized immune response of lymphocyte and monocyte/macrophage would promote to elucidate the regulatory network of immune cells, diversity and complexity of immune response as well as the study on hemopoiesis.


In the action of Dimilin, the diversity levels of Lepidoptera and Orthoptera insect of the treatment plot had a certain degree decline, and the diversity degrees of Hymenoptera insect and spider had a large increase, thus insect community in the treatment stand tended to be relatively stable.


From the change of Shannon's Diversity Index and Shannon's Evenness Index, we know that the diversity of landscape and the Interspersion Juxtaposition Index increase.


The metrics include patch density, largest patch index, edge density, area-weighted shape index distribution, area- weighted fractal index distribution, mean Euclidean nearest neighbor distance dlstributlon,standard deviation of Euclidean nearest neighbor distance distribution, coefficients of variation of Euclidean nearest neighbor distance distribution, contagion, interspersion and juxtaposition index, cohesion, Shannon's diversity index and Simpson's diversity index.


A structure of space-time diversity virtual double-route weighting interference mitigating is proposed, and the corresponding practical algorithm is derived in detail using block matrix inversion formula and matrix inversion theory for mitigating interference signals from both other cells and other users of local cell in the DS-CDMA up-link communication case. Performances of such algorithm are thoroughly analyzed through simulation and analytical results. The up-link and down-link channel characters and their relationship of DS-CDMA communication system are thoroughly analyzed, and the relationship of space-time diversity weighting matrix between time division duplexing and frequency division duplexing these two different transmission ways is derived.


Biodiversity is one of the front areas of current biological research. The mechanisms of the formation, spatial distribution pattern, conservation and utilization of biodiversity have been an important area of biological and environmental research. In this study, through analyses of data about plant diversity, animal diversity, geographic factors, climatic factors, and energy factors by use of GIS software, statistic software and ecology software, the mainland of China was divided into 241 small districts of 2° by 2°. The environmental factors in each district were analyzed and isopleth maps of environmental elements were depicted.


Theresults of diversity analysis show understory plants species diversity index of tree layer is maximal,shrub layer is secondary,herb layer is minimal.


Of Zhouhe carps have haplotype Ⅱ; 81.25% of Jian carps have haplotype Ⅵ; 39.47% of mirror carps belong to haplotype I and 47.37% belong to haplotype II Haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity within Zhouhe, jian and mirror carp samples were 0.1603, 0.3327, 0.6287 and 0.003042, 0.004838, 0.007163 respectively.


In a whole, the genetic diversity of clonal plants is much higher than that had been expected before. Although the genetic diversity is lower than their sexual congener, widely genetic monomorphism has been rarely found.


The results revealed that nine of the fourteen Y-specific markers cannot be used for investigating the swamp buffalo Y chromosome genetic diversity because of the reasons specified below: three microsatellites markers (INRA008, UMN0103 and UMN0504) were single allele and monomorphism, three (UMN1113, UMN0304 and BC1.2) indicated three alleles respectively but mornomorphism, and the other three (UMN0920, UMN0307 and UMN3008) showed irregular ladder-like bands. Only the remaining five microsatellites (INRA124, INRA189, BM861, PBR1F1 and UMN2001) indicated polymorphisms, and thus can be applied to study the swamp buffalo Y chromosome genetic diversity.


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