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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results showed that the Shannon-wiener diversity index of forest plant species increased with the increase of the environmental gradient, and the β-diversity indexes of communities showed a liner increase along with the change of environmental gradient.


In this research, we summarize the genetic diversity and evolutionary origin of yellow cattle landraces in China from two aspects of morphology diversity and its specific microsatellite markers of Y chromosomes.


Today we go to Golden bauhinia Square, in the public space which represent for the authority,show the diversity of Love.6 colous rainbow flag hugs the Golden Bauhinia,implied that Hong Kong had changed from only cherish the monopoly economic value ,into the value that respect to diversity.


Then, the impact of spatial correlation on the combination of spatial diversity and multiuser diversity is investigated.


We show that over timescales ranging from 500~10000 years, allele frequency data for polymorphic allozymes reveal a consistent loss of genetic diversity along invasion routes, confirming the role of glacial refugia as centres of genetic diversity over these timescales, and that populations in the invaded range are more subdivided genetically than those in the native range of each species.

从500~10 000年的时间尺度上,多态的等位酶位点上等位基因频率的数据表明:1)遗传多样性沿入侵路线呈不断下降的趋势,支持了冰河期避难所作为遗传多样性中心的作用;2)入侵地区的种群与该物种原产地的种群相比,遗传上的分化更为强烈。

The role of six types of urban plantations in Harbin in maintaining woody plant diversity was assessed quantitatively by sample plot survey and diversity index analysis.


The role of six types of urban plantations in Harbin in maintaining woody plant diversity was assessed quantitatively by sample plot survey and diversity index analysis. The naturalization process and the approaching-nature management modes of the urban plantations were also discussed in terms of richness, evenness and Shannon-Wiener indexes of regeneration layer, succession layer, main storey, brush layer aiming to provide a basis for forest management and biodiversity protection.


The results showed that the species number of periphyton was the greatest in summer and the density of dominant species was the highest in summer and autumn, and the water quality was generally consistent with the tendency of the changes both in the indices of diversity and evenness. There were significant negative correlations between the contents of N and P in water, and the indices of diversity, evenness, algae density, total biomass, while CODcr and BOD5 did not show any significant relationship with these four biological indices.

研究结果显示,着生生物种类数以夏季最多,优势种密度以夏、秋季最大,多样性指数、均匀度指数的变化趋势与水质指标的监测结果基本一致;经相关性分析表明:水体中氮、磷含量分别与生物多样性指数、均匀度指数、藻类密度和总生物量四项指标呈显著负相关, CODcr、BOD5与四项生物指标均无相关性。

Mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence were used to study the molecular evolution and phylogeny of Anser cygnoides(15 breed of Chinese goose), Anser anser(2 breed of domestic European goose) and Anser albifrons(the lesser white-fronted goose, Genbank accession number AF363031). Sequence analysis revealed that there were 29 variable sites and 4 haplotypes in 45 sequences, nucleotide diversity and haplotype diversity were 0.0068,0.45 respectively, insertion/deletion or frameshift mutation were not found in Cyt-b gene sequences(1143bp).


Diversity of endophytic fungi in leaves of Ginkgo biloba was studied in order to understand diversity state and succession change of endophytic fungal communities in this endemic plant. Healthy leaf samples were collected from five main planting locations of G. biloba in Jiangsu and Shandong provinces separately in spring, summer and autumn.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
