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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Recent studies showed that clonal diversity may increase primary production, maintain faunal richness and/or abundance, and affect biogeochemical processes, as does species diversity.


It indicates that decrease in taxon number could be compensated with increasing density of some taxa. Therefore, loss of some taxa in a faunal community may lead to a constant or higher diversity ranges. Due to this reason, we do not suggest that DG index could be used as a diversity measurement.

另外,DG指数与类群数(r=0.648, P=0.000)和类群密度(r=0.487, P=0.000)呈明显的正相关,类群数的下降可以通过部分类群密度的上升而获得补偿,群落的类群丢失后却可以获得一个不变的甚至更高的多样性值。

At the same time information index showed genetic diversity index (0.3456) of great ball horned toad Wrinkle is greater than that (0.3456) of Eulecanium gigantean Shinji big balls horned toad.This shows the genetic diversity of big ball horned toad Wrinkle is rich .


The haplotype diversity and the nucleotide diversity of total samples were 0.851±0.028 and 0.01356±0.0008, respectively.


Comparing the genetic diversity of Coreius heterodon with that of other fishes, the experiment revealed that the genetic diversity of Coreius heterodon in the lower reach of the Yangtze River was a little lower.


There was great diversity index among genetic trait of 50 barley. The anomic trait used as tested materials was analyzed by cluster. Cluster analysis showed that 50 barley could be classified into 5 groups at the level of GD 3.28; The 50 barleys were analyzed by A-PAGE to study genetic diversity of hordein.


The comparative study on vegetation background survey of the stationsand the comparison on level of phytocoenology on zonal habitats indicates thatthe diminishment of the numbers of families,genus and species,compositionof life types,diversity of communities and habitats,;and the increscence in theproportion of photosynthesis functional groups of C3/C4 plant,richness ofspecies,density of tussock and tiller,diversity of species,evenness,leaf areaindex,leaf area duration,dry matter production of communities alongside thelatitude increasing and the temperature decreasing;and the dynamic curve ofthe community productivity also tend to steadily increase along with thetemperature going up and the heat accumulation gradually in moderate-temperate steppe station from violent fluctuation along with seasonal badly-distribution of precipitation in warm-temperature steppe station;manifestingthat transformable tendency of productivity pattern of the community from morevigorous net assimilation,sparser and higher crops stricture of tussock and tiller,and possession on more resources by less species inclined to thicker in densityof crops,superior effectiveness of multi-leaves and pattern of multi-speciesresource sharing,reflecting that bigger disparity of the vegetationcharacteristics and the style of the community growth in the two differentthermal-type steppe stations owing to background of natural-historicenvironment and combination of water and heat.


Community structure of soil nematode changed little with altitude, and soil organic matters were mainly decomposed by fungi. Among the three vegetations including sparse shrubland, semiwet indeciduous broad-leaved trees and wet indeciduous broad-leaved trees, there are significant differences in Shannon's diversity index, Simpson's dominance and diversity index among different communities.


Have led to high species diversity and genetic diversity of lac insects , which provide good condition for lac pro2


The authors investigate and study the species diversity of Leucaena leucocephala plantation. discuss its function of ecology and the relation between species diversity and the function of ecosystem.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
