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The result showes that The natural population of the wolf spider has abundant genetic diversity and there are difference in the genetic diversity of the population from different geographical regions.


This paper investigats the genetic diversity of the wolf spider (Pardosa pseudoannulata BSenberget et strand 1906) by using the SRAP reaction system and analyzes the effect which ecological factor carried on genetic diversity.

利用SRAP标记对不同地理区域的拟环纹豹蛛(Pardosa pseudoannulata BSenberg et strand 1906)种群遗传多样性进行研究,分析了不同生态因子对拟环纹豹蛛种群遗传多样性的影响。

The diversity of urban avian community is affected by several factors, the size of woodlot; canopy cover and environment diversity were important one.


Endangered Abies yuanbaoshanensis will probably have been extinct,so it very necessary to studying its genetic diversity with a proper way in order to save this key group of biological diversity in China.In the present study,AFLP(amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers was used to examine population of Abies yuanbaoshanensis in order to understand the level of population genetic variation and genetic structure.


Using the DG index to measure the diversity of soil invertebrate assemblages was more reasonable than Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index in this case because the Acarina predominated in the samples which covered up the information of other soil invertebrate taxa, while the DG index is proposed on base of the hypothesis that every species has equal independence and importance in the community and could be compared with inter-community.


At present, the difficulty in sustaining language diversity focuses on the energy-decaying languages, so how to research amort languages of different degrees with wider eyeshots is not only useful for sustaining language species but also of great contribution to culture diversity.


Results: 1. The depression patients in neuroendocrine abnormity make up 59.4% of the total. 2. Correlation of clinical features and neuroendocrine diversity of depression patients.① Agitate symptom often existed in HPA axle abnormal group.② The weight diversity was not obvious suffered HPT axle abnormal depression frequently, Sleep disorder and anxiety often exist in HPT axle abnormal group.③ Elder women suffered HPG axle abnormal depression frequently, The symptom of somatic often exist in HPG axle abnormal group.④ Self-reproach and delay symptom often existed in the HPA axle and HPT axle abnormal group.⑤ The adolescent fuffered the normal neuroendocrine group, Patients of the normal neuroendocrine group were often combined with anhedonia.

结果显示:⒈抑郁症患者神经内分泌异常率达到 59.4%;⒉抑郁症患者临床特征与不同神经内分泌轴具有相关性以下几点值得注意;① HPA 轴异常组抑郁症患者多伴有激越症状;② HPT 轴异常组抑郁症患者体重改变不明显,多伴有睡眠障碍、迟纯症状和焦虑症状,常出现自杀观念;③ HPG 轴异常组抑郁症患者多发于年龄偏大的女性,躯体症状多明显;④ HPA 轴和 HPT 轴均异常组抑郁症患者多伴有体重减轻和明显自责和迟滞症状;⑤正常组抑郁症患者多发于青少年,快感缺失症状明显。

Indonesia is an archipelagic country characterized by its diversity in ethnic groups, religions, territory and so on. To some extent, this diversity presents vulnerability, and the sense insecurity arising therefrom has great impacts on its foreign policies.


Using RAPD markers techonolgy analysed the genetic structure of populations and built up the reaction system of SSR markers of Aristida pennata, at the same time, analysed the genetic structure based on SSR markers techonolgy. The research results are as follow:(1) 11 amplifiction random primers were used to detecte 125 loci in 76 samples. The total proportion of polymorphic loci of. Aristida pennata is 96.8%, the average proportion of polymorphic loci of Aristida pennata is 45.3%. The analyses of Shannon diversity index (1,0.5151) and Nei gene diversity index(h, 0.3471) indicate that the gene variation is rich in subpopulations.

Pennata.tirn为研究对象,在阜康,147团及121团周边等7个亚种群采集76个样品,通过RAPD分子标记技术进行亚种群内和种群间的遗传变异分析,并采用SSR技术建立羽毛三芒草的检测技术平台同时进行遗传结构分析,结果表明:(1) 11条RAPD引物检测到76个样品有125个位点,总多态位点百分比为96.8%;亚种群内平均多态位点比为45.3%,香农表型多样性指数(1,0.5151),Nei's基因多样度指数(h,0.3471)都说明羽毛三芒草种群有较为丰富的遗传变异。

Genetic diversity of 5 populations of endangered Artocarpus hypargyreus was studied by random amplified polymorphic DNA. The results showed that there was great genetic diversity within A.

利用随机扩增多态DNA分子标记技术对濒危植物白桂木Artocarpus hypargyreus 5个天然种群进行遗传多样性分析。

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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
