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与 diversity 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The concepts of the measure of diversity, the least increment diversity and the finite coefficient of diversity are applied to predict subcellular location of a protein according to the characteristics of statistical results and the properties of the measure of diversity that can reveal total information of system. The proteins subcellular locations are predicted by using of the least increment of diversity with the data standardized transformation. In addition, the formulas for evaluating the performance of the prediction results are given.


Common buckwheat ( F. esculentum ) is an allogamy crop, which is heterogony. There is heterogeneity in the species. To reveal the genetic diversity within cultivar population, In order to explore the sampling strategy that can reveal genetic diversity of buckwheat resources on the molecular level. PCR with intron-splice junction primers and long random primers was employed to reveal the genetic diversity within nine common buckwheat varieties and one tartary buckwheat cultivar population among different individuals. We established the sampling strategy in its genetic diversity study. Then we used the established sampling strategy, and the same PCR markers technique,to analysis the genetic diversity of 86 common buckwheat resources, the main results are as follows


Then, we acquired more scattering data by utilizing diversity techniques. Diversity techniques can be divided into angular diversity and frequency diversity.


This study aims to explore the following questions: differences of the genetic polymorphism among seasonal populations; differences of genetic diversity among four age groups and between two different gender populations; testifying the Ford and Chitty hypothesis; the relationship between the genetic diversity and geographic distance; the relationship between the genetic diversity and population density; edge effect on genetic diversity.


The results were summarized as followings: the density of planktonic crustacea in middle reach was higher than that in the lower reach whereas the species abundance and community diversity index in the lower reach were higher than that in the middle reach; the planktonic crustacea communities presented high density but lower diversity in the upper part of the middle reach, lower density but high diversity in the lower part of the middle reach and estuary, and lower density and diversity in the lower reach except the estuary.


This study deals with butterfly diversity and conservation of rare as well as insect fauna species in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve in Gansu Province. The research includes field investigation, observation at certain time and places, captive breeding in experimental area etc. Butterfly species diversity in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve and variation regulation of butterfly diversity in different areas are studied. The relationof butterfly diversity with environmental factors such as vegetation destruction, human disturbance are strenthened in Bifeng Gully. The biology of two rare butterfly species is studied. Meanwhile, this study deals with insect α-diversity and β-diversity in Baishuijiang Natural Reserve and inquire into the mechanisms of ecological control by protecting and recovering vegetation. The research includes field capture with sweeping net, light trap, transect investigation.


The results showed:①the communities that stipa baicalensis is edificator had the highest species diversity, and the idea that stipa baicalensis communities were the local zone vegetation was supported;②the majority of studied communities were unsaturated in the species diversity, and the species diversity had a tendency to increate with the improvement of soil environment;③the relation of species diversity to community productivity was a one-humped function, that is, the species diversity of mediation productivity was highest;④the species diversity under intermediate disturbance was highest, and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis was supported;⑤the content of potassium in soil had probably an important function, or was an important following factor in the types of grassland community;⑥a new hypothesis on the forming mechanism of species diversity of community, Small Scale Competition and Random-Patch Dynamic Hypothesis, was put forward boldly.


Sympegma regelii community, a rangeland desert vegetation, has the highest Shannon-Winner species diversity indices (1.706); the communities of Haloxylon ammodendron and Ephedra przewalskii, which have obvious feature of desert vegetation, are in the middle in species diversity indices (0.875-0.890); the communities of Calligonum mongolicum, Populus euphratica, Tamarix ramosissima and Glycyrrhiza inflata, characterized by desert forest of which saline desert bushes and saline meadows are scattered in the communities, have lowest value of the species diversity indices (0.079-0.495). 3 The structure of desert plant community is dominated by the bush layer. The species diversity indices of bush layer (0.769-1.451) is much higher than that of herb layer (0.193-0.254), and the diversity in herb layer is strongly influenced by bush layer. 4 The species diversity of desert plant communities shows a gradient of change with respect to longitude, latitude and elevation. For example, rangeland plant Sympegma regelii, with a high level of diversity indices (1.706), is in transition to desert plants Haloxylon ammodendronn community (with a low level of diversity indices of 1.379) in a longitude gradient and to saline Tamarix ramosessima community (with a low level of diversity indices of 0.376) in a latitude gradient. Calligonum mongolicum community, with a low level of species diversity (0.819), is in transition to Ephedra przewalskii (with a low level of diversity indices of 0.890) and Haloxylon ammondendron community (with the diversity indices of 0.645) in an elevational gradient.


Paintings (1916) integrates his critiques of paintings and his analysis of Chinese history and politics. Rene Leys (1922) mixes autobiography and fictional stories. Even his unfinished piece, Essay on Exoticism: An Aesthetics of Diversity, cannot be counted as an academic essay in a strict sense although it has a serious essay title.

莱斯》(Rene Leys,1922)将自传和虚构混杂在一起;即使那本未完成的《论异国情调》(Essay on Exoticism: An Aesthetics of Diversity)也是如此,虽然有着一个中规中矩的论文标题,却很难算是严格意义上的学术论文。

Paintings (1916) integrates his critiques of paintings and his analysis of Chinese history and politics. Rene Leys (1922) mixes autobiography and fictional stories. Even his unfinished piece, E ssay on Exoticism: An Aesthetics of Diversity, cannot be counted as an academic essay in a strict sense although it has a serious essay title.

莱斯》( Rene Leys ,1922)将自传和虚构混杂在一起;即使那本未完成的《论异国情调》( Essay on Exoticism: An Aesthetics of Diversity )也是如此,虽然有着一个中规中矩的论文标题,却很难算是严格意义上的学术论文。

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When gets in the home, dismounts all camouflage, orfelt perhaps unusual lonely, I continuously all am not happy camper!


From the view of power management, this thesis begins with a deep investigation of Low Drop-Out voltage regulator's application and characterizations.

本文从电源管理的角度出发,深入调研了低压降电源调节器(Low Drop-Out)的应用与特性。

Deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booth s or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment
