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The conspicuous calyx teeth, well-developed bracts and bracteoles, and almost always pubescent fruit seem to distinguish it from Seseli , but more material is needed for a taxonomic study to resolve this complex situation.


While some scholars looking to distinguish Vygotsky's theory from Piaget's frequently focus on "their ideas about the primacy of individual psychogenesis versus sociogenesis of mind"-for Piaget, individual children construct knowledge through their actions on the world: to understand is to invent .

而有些学者展望区分维果茨基的理论,从皮亚杰的经常集中于&观念的首要个别 psychogenesis 银两 sociogenesis 充满心间&-伯爵表,个别儿童建构知识,通过自己的行动对世界:理解的是,发明。

Ray height and ray width can be used for diagnostic or subsidiary diagnostic features to distinguish S. ovata from other Sonneratia species.


Then, according to phase space reconstruct technique from one-dimensional and multi-dimensional time series, the quantitative criterion and rule of system chaos which combine neural network, analyses, computations and sort are conducted on EEG signals of five kinds of human consciousness activities. The author finds that statistic results of the determinism computation in time series indicate that chaos characteristic may lie in human consciousness activities, and central tendency measure is consistent with phase graph, so it may become one division way of attractor; approximate entropy of different subjects exists discrepancy; correlation dimension and Lyapunov exponent of different consciousness activities indicate that attractors of human activities are all fractional; nonlinear quantitative criterion and rule, which unites neural network, can distinguish different styles of consciousness activity in principle, and the result of sortation takes on that consciousness activity type of arithmetic is distinguished more easily than that of abstract.

采用一维与多维时间序列相空间重构技术和系统混沌的定量判据准则,结合神经网络,对五种思维作业方式的脑电信号进行了分析、计算与分类,发现确定性计算的统计结果表明人类的意识活动中可能蕴含混沌特性,中心趋向测量(Central Tendency Measure,CTM)与相图吻合较好,可作为EEG吸引子的区分方法之一;功率谱分析反映出单个受试者的各种意识形态的差异很小,但是不同意识活动谱中的活跃频段还是略有差异的;个体之间的近似熵存在差异,同种状态下近似熵大的人可能具有更好的创新性;关联维数和Lyapunov指数的计算结果表明大脑的运动落在具有分维的奇怪吸引子上;非线性量化方法与神经网络相结合,可对人脑思维活动进行较好的分类,并且从分类结果来看数理计算类思维活动较抽象类思维活动有着更好的区分度。

Transverse momentum fluctuations,Φpt suggested by Gazdzicki and Stanislaw Mrowczynski has been considered as a variable which can distinguish the quark-gluon plasma from hadronic matter and reflect the degree of thermalization of a system.

Gadzicki和Stanislaw Mrówczyski建议的单事件横动量起伏Φ_被看作是鉴别夸克胶子等离子相与强子相、描述系统热化程度的物理量。

PET slightly overestimate extent of necrosis myocardium and can't distinguish transmural necrosis from subendocardial necrosis.


PET has low spatial resolution which ca not distinguish transmural necrosis from subendocardial necrosis and can't demonstrate wall motion of left ventricular directly.


Under the distinguish environment it is vital for CEIEC to re-carve out the business by making out the development strategy resulted from the re-location with an eye to temporizing the trend, which is the most important and urgent question and subject for discussion.

因此,重新定位,制定发展战略,参与国际竞争,迎接挑战,是摆在 CEIEC 面前须刻不容缓予以解答解决的重大问题和课题。

Typographically speaking, one has to distinguish between a font family and its multiple font faces, which usually differ in style though come from the same template.


The use of a trademark in the course of trade shall not be unjustifiably encumbered by special requirements, such as use with another trademark, use in a special form or use in a manner detrimental to its capability to distinguish the goods or services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings.


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
