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Finally, the day following the parasceve on which Jesus died is called "a great sabbath day"(John 19:31), either to denote its occurrence in the paschal week or to distinguish it from the preceding pasch, or day of minor rest.

最后,翌日parasceve对耶稣死亡的,是所谓&伟大的安息日&(约翰福音19时31分),要么是指它的出现,在逾越节一周或以区别于由前款pasch ,或者一天的小休息。

A new faction describes itself as non-populist-socialist, in an effort to distinguish their leftist policy stance from Mr Morales's personalistic populist style.

一个形容自己走非民粹社会主义路线的新派系,试图要将他们的左倾政策立场与Evo Morales的个人民粹风格相互区别。

The town is postally known as Kristiansund N.(for Nord,"North"), to distinguish it from the similarly spelled town of Kristiansand, in southern Norway, which is postally written Kristiansand S.(for Sor,"South").


Ground penetrating radar have so many advantage, therefore applied very extensive. But now it still exist some proportion to waiting for improvement, for example, distinguishing the GPR diagram primar ily stays in the foundation of the artificial naked eye distinguish and handcraft identify. Therefore it is beneficial to us to understand the electromagnetic wave spreading regulation, and scoop out much more useful information from the GPR wave inside, through forward simulate the familiar penetrating object in physical.


It is a challenge for radiologists to distinguish a mediastinal pancreatic pseudocyst from a mediastinal cystic lesion on CT axial imaging.


But how can one distinguish a scientific or progressive programme from a pseudoscientific or degenerating one?


It is often difficult radiographically to distinguish paralytic ileus from mechanical obstruction.


The critical nitrogen content in heading period was used to calculate the biggest accumulation quantity of nitrogen. The latent distribution index of leaf and stem, which was the variety heredity parameter, were used to distinguish the difference in nitrogen assignment in different varieties. The dynamic content of the nitrogen accumulation before anthesis could be described with a Richards model. The dynamic content of the nitrogen remobilization in leaf with leaf area index could be described with a power model, and the nitrogen absorption of grain from soil with dry weight could be described with a power model. The dynamic content of nitrogen density in stem and spike with physiological development time could be described with a nonlinear model.


The index also does not distinguish between petty and grand corruption or political from business-related cor- ruption.

The指数也没有区分小和盛大从商业或政治腐败有关的心病- ruption。

In the current discussion on the Labor Theory of Value,we should not only i nsist on Marx' s basic principles of labor value,bu t also creatively develop this scient ific theory according to the situati on of economic development in China a nd the world.We must solve three key problems for this pur pose:The first is to accurately distinguish the creation of value from th e creation of wealth;th...


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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
